Tuesday 120417

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AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
100 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
75 Burpees
50 Single Arm Overhead KB Walking Lunges, 1.5/1 pood
25 Muscle ups

If you do not have muscle ups, scale with pull ups, straight bar dips, push ups, ring rows, etc. This is an amrap, if you finish the muscle ups and there is time left, start back at the top.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

The stage for the 2012 United States Wrestling Olympic Team Trials being held in Iowa City, Iowa this weekend. The best of the best the US has to offer. If you had the opportunity to compete for your country in any sport, which sport would you choose and why?

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 120417"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. This one seemed very social. "Sorry about ran into you while lunging". "Wow, that guy across from me hasn't stopped yet". "Why did Brian fall down?" ;-)

    Anywho; 225 plus 2 pretty decent "transitions" while fairly gassed. I have my "crawl down-crawl up" burps pretty much down so now I can move on to better technique in later reps.

    Awesome job, 6am!!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 225 reps plus muscle up transitions

    I started at 19:16 (in bathroom when WOD started)

    At 22 swings in, Joe gave me a 1.5 pd KB. I did 18 reps to start with this then broke them up in 4 sets of 15.

    Burpees were all done with my feet not going out wide on any reps. The single arm OH lunge was tougher than I expected. In hindsight, I should not have broken these up/switched arms as often as I did.

    I had 3 minutes left when I got to muscleups so did transitions finishing with dip/lockout.

    Great job 6 a.m.!!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Great to see so many people come in at 6 for a brutal WOD like this one!

    227 reps rx'ed (2 muscle-ups--o, technically, "get-ups" because of the kip). Very happy with that. Had 3 min left for MU, but I didn't want to push my luck with this shoulder, so I just did 2. Couldn't hold the false grip on the plastic rings, so I had to do them without a false grip. Nice to know I can!
  7. Jen Says:
  8. 285 Reps

    The lunges were way harder than I thought. Did sets of 10 each leg and then a set of 5.

    Did strict dips instead of MUs. I just didn't want to risk hurting my shoulder. Pretty good chance my technique would have sucked after all that shoulder work.
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. Decided my low back needed an extra day of rest after pushing it maybe a little too hard on Monday so I sat this WOD out.

    Hard strong work to all those who worked their way through this grinder!

    As far as competing in any sport as a part of the US Olympic team, I'd say Women's Soccer. I LOVE the game of soccer. Teamwork, strategy, and quick feet. Carver Hawkeye Arena looks good in Red, White, and Blue (almost as good as it does in black and gold).
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Brutal one. After more whining than was appropriate, I did 1.5 for the swings. Sets of 12s, 10s, and 9s. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Sorry I had a bad attitude about that, Ricky. Need to learn to keep my self-doubt to myself. Working on that. :) Burpees were tough, but mostly kept moving. Lunges were better than expected. Muscleups felt strong, but probably rested too much there.

    Ended with 9 muscleups for 234 reps.

    Haven't sweated that much in a long time. Air felt thick today! Skill tips on burpees and muscleups helped a lot - thanks, Ricky!

    Lots of strong work tonight - always fun to work out with a big class!
  13. BigD Says:
  14. Olympic sport I'd want to do? Swimming, Oly lifting, and decathalon. Yeah, all of 'em 'cause I'm crazy like that and love all of those sports!
    Got stuck on base late so had to do this in the TactFit area.
    226 reps. Lunges detroyed me! Had a minute left for MUs, and had enough in me for one.
    That'll teach me to do Helen the day before a ton of KB swings...
  15. BC Says:
  16. Duh, curling!!!

    Ok not really. I've always thought the bobsled was super cool, so that's what I would go with, even though I would probably poop myself.
  17. Kristina Nash Says:
  18. it! I'd totally give that a go!

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