Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, complete 3 dead-lifts at 83-88%. These are no bounce dead-lifts. Start from a dead stop for every rep.
Three rounds, each for time of:
154#/109# Push Press, 10 reps
20 Box Jumps, 24" box
Sprint 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes.
Post results to comments/Logwod.

Workout like a kid. Play. It's about being healthy and fit but more importantly, you should be having fun. It's not work, it's recess.
Bar below the knee, it's high socks/long pants for me :)
Before anyone comments, I already know I'm a bit of a nerd/dork, and I'm ok with that.
284# Rx'd on DL's all sets across
8:32 Rx'd metcon
1:28, 1:32, 1:32 each round. Pogo box jumps are getting better. Push press unbroken each round though I did rest a second on my shoulders each round usually after rep 7 before finishing. Legs started to feel it on box jumps in second and third rounds usually with 5-6 reps to go.
Great work 5 a.m.!!!
used 120# for the metcon and finished in 8:35.
Great work, 6am!
8:49 rx'd on metcon. Probably paced the 1st round too slow. Thanks for pushing the pace, Jon and Garrett! Always good to have someone to chase.
Huge 9 am class today! Perfect weather! Wish I could have stayed for Pilates.
huge congrats to Carolina for getting her first box jump today!
side note: Everyone should be signing up for a twitter account today! Many of you are being introduced to ppl of CrossFit, they LOVE CFO! @womenofcfo @crossfitomaha
Also, great class with Carrie today! She's a great teacher! Can't wait to see her crossfittin'soon!
Roughly 9:49 on the metcon. Did not go prescribed. 63# push press (tested out 77#, but knew they wouldn't be unbroken so I dropped the weight down). 24 inch box. My sprints were sad, sad, sad. My legs are low back were sure feeling the deadlifts.
Nice work 5 am.
Happy Monday!
9:58 RX'd for the metcon.
Nice big class at 9:00 today. Love it!!!
Who needs cable when I have the Addi and BC show? :)
8:19 on the metcon...went too light on the press (110).
Metcon- 9:32- Used 77# for presses which felt good and went unbroken. 3 reds plates for jumps. Trying to work on continuous jumps. It's a work in progress.
Nice work 6:30! I had a great time tonight!
I'm a huge fan of the Addi and BC show as well!
2:08, 2:something, then 2:40 for each round rx'd. I really, really missed my wrist wraps today- had to set the bar down on third round.
9:21 on the met con. used 64# for push presses (probably could have gone heavier on this) and three reds/one green for the jumps. Really working on getting continuous jumps.
Used 53# for push presses and three reds for the jumps. 9:03 for the Metcon. Had fun going to the 5:30 class and meeting new folks. Great job everyone!