Monday 120416

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Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, complete 3 dead-lifts at 83-88%. These are no bounce dead-lifts. Start from a dead stop for every rep.


Three rounds, each for time of:
154#/109# Push Press, 10 reps
20 Box Jumps, 24" box
Sprint 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes.

Post results to comments/Logwod.

Workout like a kid. Play. It's about being healthy and fit but more importantly, you should be having fun. It's not work, it's recess.

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28 Responses to "Monday 120416"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Yippee!!! Heavy Deads tomorrow!!

    Bar below the knee, it's high socks/long pants for me :)

    Before anyone comments, I already know I'm a bit of a nerd/dork, and I'm ok with that.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Addi Kahrs likes this.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. LOVED this workout!!!

    284# Rx'd on DL's all sets across

    8:32 Rx'd metcon
    1:28, 1:32, 1:32 each round. Pogo box jumps are getting better. Push press unbroken each round though I did rest a second on my shoulders each round usually after rep 7 before finishing. Legs started to feel it on box jumps in second and third rounds usually with 5-6 reps to go.

    Great work 5 a.m.!!!
  7. BC Says:
  8. Word on the street is referring to yourself in the third person is punishable by throat puinches. Really Addi?!? I expect better from you.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Tough morning. Had to scale back the DL (73% of 1RM): 328#. It felt good once I got going, though.

    used 120# for the metcon and finished in 8:35.

    Great work, 6am!
  11. Michael Rock Says:
  12. Dont sweat it Addi. Mike Rock likey too. He likey a lot.
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Missing commas is punishable by punches to the baby maker. Really, BC?
  15. Addi Says:
  16. 223# DL today. 83% would have been around 250, but when I tried out 242, the back was struggling to stay flat right away. 223 felt plenty hard - form stayed decent but challenging, and last couple sets were a struggle.

    8:49 rx'd on metcon. Probably paced the 1st round too slow. Thanks for pushing the pace, Jon and Garrett! Always good to have someone to chase.

    Huge 9 am class today! Perfect weather! Wish I could have stayed for Pilates.
  17. BC Says:
  18. Punctuation smack; Addi. That"s the best. You could),. Come up£¥€. With? Weak- sauce.
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. another cure for a case of the Mondays...just check in here for some Addi & BC banter! You two are crazy!

    huge congrats to Carolina for getting her first box jump today!

    side note: Everyone should be signing up for a twitter account today! Many of you are being introduced to ppl of CrossFit, they LOVE CFO! @womenofcfo @crossfitomaha

    Also, great class with Carrie today! She's a great teacher! Can't wait to see her crossfittin'soon!
  21. Kristina Nash Says:
  22. DL 213#

    Roughly 9:49 on the metcon. Did not go prescribed. 63# push press (tested out 77#, but knew they wouldn't be unbroken so I dropped the weight down). 24 inch box. My sprints were sad, sad, sad. My legs are low back were sure feeling the deadlifts.

    Nice work 5 am.
  23. Kristina Nash Says:
  24. A little BC-Addi banter is always good fun!

    Happy Monday!
  25. Jen Says:
  26. 207 for 6 of the DL and then I just stopped. I'm being extra careful of my lower back.

    9:58 RX'd for the metcon.

    Nice big class at 9:00 today. Love it!!!
  27. BigD Says:
  28. Ran out of time on base so did Helen real quick. 11:30 RX'd. A 1:10 improvement.
    Who needs cable when I have the Addi and BC show? :)
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Congratulations, Carolina! Missed seeing it, but I heard the celebration. :)
  31. Addi Says:
  32. No cable here, either. Why do you think I spend so much time on here? :)
  33. Shane Says:
  34. Loved this workout. 318 on the deadlifts (i wasn't going to be able to keep good form at 80+%), then 308 for the last 5 sets.
    8:19 on the metcon...went too light on the press (110).
  35. BC Says:
  36. I'm glad I can contribute at least something to the community.
  37. Paula Says:
  38. DL-176#

    Metcon- 9:32- Used 77# for presses which felt good and went unbroken. 3 reds plates for jumps. Trying to work on continuous jumps. It's a work in progress.

    Nice work 6:30! I had a great time tonight!

    I'm a huge fan of the Addi and BC show as well!
  39. Paula Says:
  40. This comment has been removed by the author.
  41. Steve Says:
  42. 242 on deadlifts.

    2:08, 2:something, then 2:40 for each round rx'd. I really, really missed my wrist wraps today- had to set the bar down on third round.
  43. JennG Says:
  44. 176# - Used 186# on the first round and realized really fast it was not a good idea.

    9:21 on the met con. used 64# for push presses (probably could have gone heavier on this) and three reds/one green for the jumps. Really working on getting continuous jumps.
  45. Gdawg Says:
  46. that's great Paula! can't wait for another episode!
  47. Hilg Says:
  48. Late post. Just got my eyes uncrossed. Speaking of eyes, mine might have been too big this morning. Went 330 on DL and that felt OK. Them I decided to go RX'd on the Metcon and struggled with last round....11:52. Whew....even hurts to write it. Still glad I went for it.......we're a demented bunch aren't we!?
  49. BC Says:
  50. All this pressure for me and Addi to perform is quite overwhelming. You all don't understand that we're not enemies at all, we're actually BFF's. She even gave us nicknames. She calls me Seal, not like the singer with the jacked up grill but like Navy Seals because I am, how did she put that, oh yeah "totally f@#king elite." And she makes me call her Kim, as in Kardashian, because that's her idol. Seems a bit odd but I go along with it, like I said we're besties!
  51. Lauren F. Says:
  52. DL-141#...Should have/could have gone heavier, but as this was my first time with heavy deadlifts in a long long while, I thought conservative was the way to go. Felt good, but need to work on keeping my head down (thanks Ricky!).

    Used 53# for push presses and three reds for the jumps. 9:03 for the Metcon. Had fun going to the 5:30 class and meeting new folks. Great job everyone!
  53. Addi Says:
  54. All of this is false. Except for the Kim thing, obvi.
  55. Addi Says:
  56. HA! I'd been sweating that DL weight all day - just realized I did my math wrong. It was 245. Just over 80%. Feeling much better about life, specifically the parts of life directly related to strength events that may come up at Regionals. Which means that that what I thought was 242 was actually 265. Oops.

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