Four rounds, each for time, of:
50 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Hold Chin Above Bar, 30 seconds
10 Kipping Handstand Push ups
Rest 90 seconds
Chin above bar does not have to be unbroken but only cumulative. If you cannot see the clock, counting out 1-1000, 2-1000, etc. will suffice. Chin or bottom of chin cannot touch bar at any time. If you cannot hold your chin above the bar, substitute 5-10 slow, controlled negatives. If you do not have double unders, substitute lateral jumps over an obstacle.
Post times from each interval to comments/Logwod.

An event you might be interested in showing your support for is the supported 5K Buddy Run. This race/run/walk is put on to help support the Down Syndrome Alliance of Omaha. It will take place at Lake Zorinsky on June 2. The first 200 to sign up get a free shirt.
Go Team CFO!!!!!!
Learn more and register for the race HERE.
Did 1000 meter row, 25 pistols, 15 hang cleans at 136# afterwards in 8:10. Cleans felt heavy. Overall, I'm disappointed in myself on both workouts.
Good to have cheerleaders though!!! 6 am is a great class with a lot of great people.
Great group at the 9am today. Lots of great stuff happening! First two sets of HSPU's felt strong today, but I need to work on my wall balls
Have a great Tuesday!
Awesome work 9am!!
And thanks again for rescuing me, Blair. :)
And congrats on the hspu, oscar!
Energy in 9 am has been so fun since this most recent wave of newbies came up. Bigger classes, big progress - keeps everyone excited and working hard.
Heavy Db snatches, heavy wall balls, and muscle-ups at 7. (Might as well call the muscle-ups heavy, too. Haha) Felt pretty good, other than some noise from my right shoulder. Sets of 2 on MUs straight through, which is good for me. Those 70# DB are feeling pretty comfortable - looking forward to these at Regionals! Thanks for the tips on those and the wall balls, Joe - helped a lot.
18:23? :32? I forget. 18 and a half-ish. Subbed 250m row for DUs to get more row practice in. Kept a pretty even pace each round. Chin holds all unbroken. HSPU unbroken first 3 rounds. By far the biggest sets I've done in a metcon. Not super fast, but not bad considering how the chin holds made my arms feel like jelly. Feels good to be making progress on weaknesses even when I'm feeling a little beat up.
Also, I'm pretty excited I finally get to try Carrie's pilates class this week. Twice.
Need to work on those darn kipping HSPUs. I'm way more comfortable with strict. The chin over bars were tough. It was hard to hold myself up and breath at the same time. It looked like I was having a seizure on the bar. haha
Nice work, 4:30! Way to suffer, people!
Wall balls are tough, just can't find a good rhythm. Chin over bar holds were broken up into 2 sets of 15sec in rounds one and two and then 15sec, 6 sec, 9sec ish for the final 2 rounds. Tough stuff for my wimpy arms. Two rounds of double unders were unbroken and two were mildly broken. Not 100% sure, but I think 50 in a row is a PR for me.
Cory really worked the HSPU this morning. Determined to get them all done ending with feet to the wall. It is so cool to watch the determination of CFO athletes. Never cutting anything short and being honest with the work achieved. I love it!
Nice work 5 am!
Megan Mac I hope you enjoyed your day off and Andy enjoyed his breakfast. You guys are so cute!!
Thanks Joe for the tips. I'd like to work on these on a rest day.