In this workout, you move form each of five stations after a minute. This is a five minute round from which a one minute break is allowed before repeating. Do this for three rounds.
The stations are:
Stones Over a Hurdle, 93#/73#
Pulls on a Rower (chest to past toes)
DB Push Press, 40#/30#
Box Jumps, 20 inch box
Wall Balls, 20#/14#
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.
Post total reps to comments/Logwod.

Tony, Isabel, Courtney, JennG, Stacie, Crystal, and of course Damian were the last of the large crowd that showed up for the Stink n Drink. We love our community.
Get ready for Dos Equis and Double Unders and many other events we have planned for the summer. CFO is making moves.
Shelley, it turns out I don't have your email address. The site I mentioned is: