Full Snatch - Touch & Go
After a thorough warm-up and instruction, complete 3 sets of 5 reps of a full squat snatch where each rep is touch and go. Keep the weight constant across all sets except for a maybe a 10 pound difference between set 1 and 3. Complete on a 1:40 clock.
For time:
Run 400 meters
Six rounds of:
15 Pull ups
Handstand Walks 15 steps
Run 400 meters
The pull ups are chest 2 bar for guys but only chin above for ladies. Men cannot perform butterfly pull ups but are allowed for ladies. Scale handstand walks walking laterally back and forth across a line against a wall and/or handstand holds against a wall.
Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Please welcome Carrie Adams to the gang. She will be joining the community as a member and as our new Pilates instructor. We are excited to have Carrie help us improve our game even further.
She will be running her first class this Thursday at 5:30pm in place of that time slot's regular open gym. From that point on we will try to rotate between rest day time slots and even look at Saturday mornings and Sundays as well.
Read a little more about Carrie HERE.
Scaled the metcon to 7 strict pullups and 3 walks up the wall. Finished 5 rds and 5 PU.
Tough on the shoulder--might have to scale back even further for a few weeks.
Conditioning.....I need more. ;-) Scaled to 10 kipping Pups and 5 wall walks and got 4 plus rounds. So winded the last run was "slower than John C.s golf walk....HAHA, John! ;-)
Great job 6am!
Scaled metcon to 10 pullups and 3 lateral handstand walks against wall. I was one lateral walk short of getting all 6 rounds at the cutoff. I thought these were the toughest part. Pullups were mostly broken up 6/4, but round 6 was 4,2,1,1,1,1.
Good work 6 a.m.!!
This doesn't take away from who we are and/or CrossFit. It only adds to it. The health of the athlete is of primary importance. Does us no good if an athlete cannot workout here due to injury. Immobility, besides lack of strength, is an alarming trend.
Anyone else care to respond? Not derogatory but just thoughts on the subject.
82# touch & go snatch - weight went up easy, but I wasn't getting a consistent contact point, so I stayed at 82 to try to clean that up a bit.
12:43 rx'd on the metcon. Tried to work on butterfly, which threw my kip off when I tried to switch back. Also, that's just a lot of pullups. :)
If pilates and yoga are "watering down" Crossfit, then M-wod probably is too. Improving flexibility and body control/awareness is pretty key to gymnastics, which seems central to Crossfit. Sounds like CFO is listening to their clients, as well as their needs. I also wonder if anyone trivializing yoga/pilates has ever done it. It's pretty freaking hard. Just my two uneducated cents.
11:16 Rx'd for the metcon. That was A LOT of pullups. 1st rnd did a set of 10 and then 5, but the rest of the rnds I did 5,3,3,2,2
The HSWs felt good.
Regarding Mr. Omaha x-fit- I wonder if he (or she) has actually done pilates. It is a killer workout and the perfect thing to incorporate into Crossfit. Body control, body weight movements??? Nothing could be better for an active recovery day.
Nice job team estrogen.
So the sport of fitness has arrived...Sadly?
What ever happened to the old days of doing CrossFit?
Will doing pilates and yoga help me become the 78th "fittest" CF athlete during the games this year? Possibly...There are some in Omaha that appreciate the true roots of CFO, not what it has evolved into.
As for class today... was pretty fun! I have angry bloody blisters over my thumbs from hook grip on last weeks cleans so today even with tape over them snatching hurt! 53# all the way through.
for the wod went down to 10 pull ups, and 3 wall walks. ran out the door for last 400m run with 30 seconds left... so >15 minutes to finish this. it was a good one though :)
And I am just so impressed with those who can do the hand stand walks - it's freaking amazing!!! (ie: watching Megan Mc at noon!!!)
fun times guys! hope to be in for my last noon class tomorrow and back to school :( sad sad sad times!
Yoga and pilates are both wonderful and challenging rest day, fun days!
142x5 touch and go snatch. Missed 152 twice. Once on 3rd rep and once on 4th.
DNF scaled to 5 wall walks instead of handstand walks. everything else Rx'd. Had about 30 seconds left when I took off on last 400.
I don't know if this part is just for the short term, but I do have some reservations about having the time slot for pilates rotate. It would just make it hard to make sure you could get t pilates if that's what you need, or do the CFO WOD for that day if that's what you need.
Notice I say what you need, not what you want. I would be disappointed if I were forced to do pilates instead of back squats. But we all know which one I need more.
Remember, only on rest days and I'm looking to find spots outside of regular classes such as 8am on Saturdays and sometime on Sundays.
Isn't the goal of CrossFit to be better at EVERYTHING?
Don't see the harm in adding pilates. I'll be honest, not sure what all it will entail, but I got a pretty good feeling it will help me improve in something I have never done, leading me to be an even more well-rounded athlete.
Just hope my schedule will allow for me to fit these in....
Now..about me. I'm working on a plan to tackle some weaknesses. Came in early to warm up with a 1200m run (running is a definite weakness) and had plenty of time for dynamics & mobility prior to class. I think this is a good move.
Used 53# for snatches. Still don't feel great about this lift, but Ricky's right...when you don't think so much, it's easier.
Did 8 jumping pull-ups & 5 wall walks. Got 3 pull-ups into the 4th round when the 2nd run started.
Guess who's back, back again?
After 6 months away, a very scaled version of the conditioning WOD almost made me puke--and I loved it. So glad to be back!
So, I just got off the phone with Miss Carrie Adams. Get ready for one heck of an active rest day. She has some pilates basics planned and will build from there. Combining CrossFit and pilates will take everyone's training to another level. I don't know about you guys, but I'm super stoked to strengthen my core and become more aware of how I'm moving my body through space. That will only translate to more effective gymnastics movements and Olympic lifts.
Welcome Carrie! See you on Thursday!
Snatches- 53#. These actually felt good for once!
Conditioning- did 4 pull-ups one by one with 5 wall walks. The last few were UGLY. I barely got to 45degrees. Had one one walk left 4th round when it was time to run. Thanks Andrew for bringing us in on the final run. It really helped!!
Way to go 6:30!!! It was a rough one!
You did great tonight!
110 x 5 for touch and goes, maybe could've done 115.
Into 4th round when time ran out and had to run. Was doing handstand walks sideways across a line.
hey Omaha xfit- if we wanted to hear from an asshole, we would've just farted.
thanks for stopping by.