As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 Box Jumps
3 Air Squat
6 Box Jumps
6 Air Squats
9 Box Jumps
9 Air Squats
Run 100 meters
12 Box Jumps
12 Air Squats
15 Box Jumps
15 Air Squats
18 Box Jumps
18 Air Squats
Run 100 meters
21 Box Jumps
21 Air Squats
24 Box Jumps
24 Air Squats
27 Box Jumps
27 Air Squats
Run 100 meter
And so on, adding three reps to each round and a 100 meter run after every third set until time runs out. For us, 100 meters is to the curb and back.
Post total reps completed to comments/Logwod.
A very cool picture of Marie as she attempts to shoulder the 73# stone. She was successful too.
Hung around after and got my first successful kip on a handstand pushup. Yay!
I just barely made it through the 2nd run using a 24" box. My legs were jelly by the end. I was amazed how quickly my legs fatigued.
Nice change of pace, though, and I was very grateful not to use my shoulders today.
77 box jumps, 63 air squats total.
Good work 6 a.m.!!
Congrats Dave on the kipping HSPU!!
3 box jumps into the 24s. Nice easy day. Felt good compared to yesterday.
I read Carrie Adams bio today, and it sounds great. I'm looking forward to trying some classes with her.
Got 7 BJ's into round of 24 with a 24" box. Nice quick burn. I recovered fairly quick and worked on heavy front squats. Big weakness for me (which translates to thrusters/wall balls/full squat clean/ etc)
I really enjoyed the extra time today to hit one of my weakness.
Nice to have Greg O'Kief back. If you don't know him, he is a super nice guy and a lot of fun to hang around.
Every day I look forward to working out with the trainers & community at CFO and "leaving it all" at the gym. You are all strong, positive and amazing people!
After the 5 minutes of fun I worked on some dips. I did 7...that's right 7! all singles, can't string them together yet, but that is miles from the big fat 0 I could do before!
Looking forward to WODing with Team Estrogen tomorrow!
Also, this morning, did some strength/shoulder rehab. 7 sets of 3 press at 69# and 3 strict pullups w/10#. Pullups felt slow and weak, but so did my brain for most of the day. Then got talked into joining the workout at my First National class. Partner workout - 7 rds each of a DB complex (7 pushups, 7 cleans, 7 squats, 7 press, 7 ea lunges). Alternate rounds, jumprope during "rest." I used 25# DBs, and those presses got HARD. I would have gone a little lighter, but the other trainer was using 30s, and he's a runner, so...