Monday 120402

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Touch & Go Power Cleans

Every 90 seconds for 5 sets, perform 10 touch and go power cleans. These are consecutive reps where you try and move with the cleanest technique as fast as you can. It would be ideal to utilize one load for all 5 sets, give or take 5-10 pounds. (Please don't forget to wear your long socks. Thanks.)


Two rounds for time of:
50 DB Push Press, 50#/35#
15 Box Jumps, 24"+ 2 Reds/1 Green

During a round, if the db's have to be set down for any reason before completing all 50 reps, you must immediately complete 5 burpees. You can rest the db's on the shoulders but no where else without a penalty. (from CrossFit Football)

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Mental prep. What's your process before a workout starts? Are you nervous, scared, determined?

Post to comments what goes through your mind before any workout or maybe even a competition workout.

By the way, great pic of Dave LeClaire. One of the best guys I've ever met. (photo by Chris Baldwin)

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10 Responses to "Monday 120402"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Appreciate the compliment Ricky. Wouldn't be anywhere near where I am if not for you and all the great folks in the CFO community!
    Mental prep right before a WOD for me is usually reassuring myself I know the form for what I'm about to do and then telling myself to go until I can't go anymore.
    Looking forward to giving this one a shot tomorrow!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 121# for first 3 rounds, but didn't maintain touch 'n go on 3rd round so dropped to 109# for last 2rounds and still didn't maintain touch 'n go. My grip gave out on this one; need to work on that. Positives: feet didn't go wide and I fixed other technique issues I have with standing up with the bar too early (fighting against the bar instead of letting it land on shoulders first then standing up)

    12:49 Rx'd on metcon. I broke up push presses 20/10/10/10 first round and all 10's in second round. These got heavy earlier than I anticipated.

    I almost always have an idea in my head before any WOD on how I'm going to break up reps (when high rep or a longer chipper especially)
    . On a strength workout, I will always look up past workouts that might be similar or were done before to have a gauge on what I expect to do that day. I also know if there are several movements in same workout that involve both strengths and weaknesses, I will prep myself to go hard/faster on movements I'm better at knowing that I might get hung up/slowed down somewhere else.

    The rep scheme I have planned out in my head before the WOD usually gets adjusted during the workout, but I think it still helps to have it mapped out ahead of time.

    I'm always nervous right before the WOD whether it's competition or a regular class. Because of that, I always have a few nervous pees beforehand:) Once the workout starts, I'm good. Nerves are gone, and I'm into the workout.

    Great pic Dave!!!

    Good work 6 a.m.!
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 109# for the first 4 rounds of power cleans, then bumped up to 114#. Felt just about right. The last couple rounds got tough toward the last few reps, but otherwise felt strong and fast.

    8:07 metcon - subbed 15# presses, 3 sets of 10 each round, to save/rebuild the shoulder. It did the trick - I thought it might be too light, but they got heavy real quick. Shoulder felt stable, though, and it's felt better all day. Did something right. Jumps were fun. If I could just do heavy turkish getups and tall box jumps the rest of my life, I'd be a pretty happy girl.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. 109# for the first 4 rounds of power cleans, then bumped up to 114#. Felt just about right. The last couple rounds got tough toward the last few reps, but otherwise felt strong and fast.

    8:07 metcon - subbed 15# presses, 3 sets of 10 each round, to save/rebuild the shoulder. It did the trick - I thought it might be too light, but they got heavy real quick. Shoulder felt stable, though, and it's felt better all day. Did something right. Jumps were fun. If I could just do heavy turkish getups and tall box jumps the rest of my life, I'd be a pretty happy girl.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 109# for the first 4 rounds of power cleans, then bumped up to 114#. Felt just about right. The last couple rounds got tough toward the last few reps, but otherwise felt strong and fast.

    8:07 metcon - subbed 15# presses, 3 sets of 10 each round, to save/rebuild the shoulder. It did the trick - I thought it might be too light, but they got heavy real quick. Shoulder felt stable, though, and it's felt better all day. Did something right. Jumps were fun. If I could just do heavy turkish getups and tall box jumps the rest of my life, I'd be a pretty happy girl.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Hey, Addi...what did you do at crossfit today?

    Worked out with the (huge) 4:30 group today. Lots of hard work!

    Started with 164# for the power cleans. Only got 8 in the 4th set, dropped to 154, and still only 8 in the 5th. grip was just shot. I figured once I put the bar down, there wasn't much point in doing the last 2 reps.

    10:29 with 40# DBs for the metcon. 25 burpees total. That was a beast, especially coming right after the power cleans, which took a lot out of me.

    Today was brutal, and it took a lot of discipline for me to get through it, but I loved it. I know I got stronger today and improved work capacity.
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Oops. My phone got excited.
  15. Jess Says:
  16. Oh Shelley Belly, I just love your "dear diary" posts! ;)

  17. Stacie Says:
  18. 109# x 10 x 5
    9:09 Rxd
    What comes to my mind is pretty simple. Just f'ing go and win!
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. 77# for touch n go's power cleans.
    I have bruises so that was perfect weight for me - thanks to Ms Abby Banks for validating that weight ;)
    By last round my forearms were so cramped! Hella hook grip on this one!

    9:13 with 24" box, and 20# db's. I did all 50 pp first round, and then second got to 25, -- did 5 burpees, got to 35 -- 5 burpees, and yes at 45 I set them down again! -- 5 burpees. The burpees were actually the easy part on this one... glad it's over with!!!

    Love love love seeing everyone at noon! Miss the coaches at CFO! so is great to be back at my "mother ship" for spring break!!!

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