Four rounds for time of:
30 Sit ups
Walking Lunges, 30 steps
Post time to comments/Logwod.

(photo by Chris Baldwin)
My boy Josh Zimmering is in Waco this weekend partaking in the Tough Mudder. The furthest distance event he's ever competed in is a 5K and now he has THIS in front of him.... Maybe TeamCFO should hit one of these before the games?
Good luck Josh. We'll be rooting for ya.
Finished at 163#; didn't try more; missed my first jerk at 163 but second one felt really good (easier than 153#) because I actually got aggressive with it
Cleans felt really good through 153#, at 163# I felt like I was losing technique a bit. (feet went a bit wide which tells me I need to drop under the bar just a little bit more) I also did 1 hang clean about 30 seconds before each clean and jerk (up to and including reps at 153#)
Thanks for tips Ricky and for feedback from others too.
Then 10 rds
2 full snatches (132)
10 GH situps
10 hip extensions
Tough, but figured I should work on a moderately heavy (for me) snatch in a metcon--to make sure I can get reps when I'm tired.