After a short warm-up of 3 reps followed by 2 reps, you have four attempts to find a heavy single for the day. After this 4th set, you will take 85% of the heaviest weight successfully lifted overhead and perform two sets of 5 reps followed by a third set of max reps.
For the first part of the workout (the 4 single attempts), you have exactly 7 minutes. After that, the sets will be completed on a 2 minute clock.
You have 90 seconds to run 200 meters and with whatever time is left, perform
AMRAP Toes 2 Bar
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 cycles.
Rest 2 minutes
You have 90 seconds to complete 30 KB Swings (1.5/1 pood) and with whatever time is left, perform
AMRAP Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 cycles.
Post all results to comments/Logwod.

40 TTB and 21 WB. Those KB swings were miserable. I'm amazed I did as well as I did.
Way to suffer, 6am! Always a pleasure wanting to die alongside you all!
97x5 for max reps
29 TTB and 21 WB's. 11,9,9 for T2B and 10,8,3 for WB's. I broke up my last set of swings and on WB's focused on getting into a better squat position (after Joe so kindly pointed out to me that my squat sucked as my feet were much too wide and I needed to not worry about how many reps I got). I admit that is tough for me because I just want to go as hard as I can, but I get it. My focus is on perfecting my movements even if I sacrifice a bit on intensity. I think I'm going to have to repeat that to myself over and the long run it will be worth it.
My forearms have never felt worse. I really wanted to cry after the last set of swings; they felt that bad.
Great work 6 a.m.!!! Agree with Paul that this was brutal!!
Jess, what do you think of my "Dear Diary" entry:)
At 7, lots of overhead work.
8x2 Split Jerk @ 114
4x3 Push Press @ 131
5x5 Strict Pullups
At 9, skipped the press and just did the conditioning. I underestimated this one for sure. Ouch.
43 toes to bar and 16 wall ball.
1st round of wall ball, I missed the catch and fell on my ass. Embarassing. 2nd and 3rd rounds, those kb swings lit my forearms up and I had to break up the reps. A lot. So I didn't have much time to get to the wall. Last round, I just barely squeezed in 1 rep. Really disappointing. KB swings and general grip strength are getting added to "The List." Those used to be my strengths.
35 T2B and 20 WBs
My abs and forearms are on fire. FIRE!
It was a "good" Friday. hahaha!
For runs I ran to the rock and only got 4 T2B on rd 1 then 1,1. KB....holy hell my forearms killed me. Went unbroken 1st round then was able to do 4 WB, 2nd round picked up the WB when time ran out and on the last rd barely finished the 30th rep. That was Brutal!
Total reps- 6 T2B and 4 WB - SAD!!!