Squat Clean Thruster - Find 1RM
Not including warm-up, you have up to 8 sets to find a 1RM on a 2 minute clock. The warm-up sets are x5, x3, x2. You get no more than 8 attempts, so make them count. A jerk lockout is not allowed.
Partner up with up to 4 people and take turns rowing, 250 meters, 500 meters, 750 meters, and 1000 meters, in that order. Post times from each of the 4 rows to comments.
Post results to comments/Logwod.
The small but mighty 9am class on Monday, the 19th, included Brandon, Ellen, and Tina. Awesome group.
201# for the squat-clean-thruster. Don't think that's a PR, but I'm sure I've never done that much weight with solid form.
Rows: :44, 1:36, 2:34, 3:35
Rows were: :45, 1:49, 2:49, 3:51
203# on the squat-clean thrusters.
Rows- 250m-:51, 500m 1:58, 750m- 3:07, stayed after class to do the 1000m - 4:25.
Great job 9am! Some new and different faces....always fun to see.
Pretty happy with this because I was going to shoot for 77# for my 7th rep. This felt really good though & am glad I was "nudged" in the direction of being a little braver.
Fun working with Megan, too. Great job!
:51 on 250
1:52 on 500
ran out of time for the 750 & 1000. I'm thinking I'm going to make this up tomorrow. Of course, we never run out of time on stupid toes-to-bar days! But as I was gently reminded by Mr. Gylasomething, life isn't always fair.
Row times were :49, 1:55, 2:51. Ran out of time before I got a chance to do the 1000m, did not cry myself to sleep because of it.