Wednesday 120307

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High Bar Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

After a thorough warm-up and on a 2.5 minute clock, find the heaviest weight you can high bar back squat for 3 reps within 5 sets.


Three rounds, each for max distance on the rower, of:
250 yard shuttle
10 pulls on the rower.
Rest is ratio of 3:1 (rest:work)

The goal of this workout is to sprint the distance of 19 mats, there and back, 5 times, followed immediately by jumping on the rower as fast as you can and getting in 10 pulls for max distance. All rowers must be kept to a damper setting of 4.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Who doesn't love these guys? Love how far they've both come. Love their dedication to health and well-being. Love their willingness to help out others in the gym. Great attitudes.

Thank you Greg (left) and thank you Wes for the opportunity. CFO appreciates you.

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11 Responses to "Wednesday 120307"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I'm not always excited about rest days, but I am this week!

    279 for the high-bar back squat. Nice lifting with you, John!

    It's hard to get much distance with the damper at 4. 102, 99, 102. A little disappointed, but happy with the sprints.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Oy. Glad today is my rest day - can't imagine back squatting today, the way my legs feel. It's not great. I'm shot! Looking forward to making this up tomorrow, though.

    Only 9 hours, 32 minutes until 12.3!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. I finished High bar back squat at 223#

    Went 174,189,203,213,223. The last 3 sets felt the same in terms of effort/difficulty so I think maybe I should have gone up a bit more.

    104,108 and 109 on 10 pulls on the rower. I tried to keep up with Paul on sprints, but he beat me.

    Good work 6 a.m. Enjoyed working with Gina and Megan Mac on squats.
  7. Paula Says:
  8. BS-worked up the 135#. Probably could have done another 10#.

    Rows - 73m, 78m, 72m = 223m total
    Shuttles sucked as usual.

    Awesome job 9am!

    Greg and Wes...I LOVE these guys! You are so inspiring and such a great asset to CFO!
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Greg and Wes. Definitely pilars of the community.
  11. Dave Paladino Says:
  12. I am not sure if I will walk after that
  13. paul Says:
  14. I'm loving 12.3! Yesterday was such good prep for how to pace it!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Agree! It's "pick 3 things Addi likes" week! Not crazy about 18 min, but the recent programming has helped me a LOT in those longer time domains. Definitely better in both endurance and mental game/pacing. Looking forward to this one!!
  17. BC Says:
  18. I've been bad about not posting lately, I won't let it happen again.

    216# for the back squats. Seems like we rarely do high bar squats and as it turns out I didn't dislike them nearly as much as I thought I did (in fact I actually rather enjoyed them, but don't tell the low bar squats, they get jealous).

    Rows were 139, 139, 152. Sprints sucked goat anus.

    Nice work 5:30 crew.
  19. JennG Says:
  20. Did all 5 rounds at 64#. I'm appreciating the opportunity to be forced with work on technique. Hoping this will pay off oodles when I can start adding weight.

    Scaled conditioning to 150 meter shuttles (yes, BC, Princess Grasskicker ran tonight).
    Struggled with the fact that I'm apparently a dope and can't understand simple instructions, provided in crystal clarity by Jon Day, so my first round of rower pulls, I got 90 meters. Improved as things went along.
    2nd Round: 169m
    3rd Round: 217m

    Stayed after with Rhabdomiller to "judge" & cheer for the strength class as they did 12.3! Good time!!
  21. Stacie Says:
  22. 174, 198, 213, 228, 242 x 3
    Held back on wt because I was unsure what 12.3 would be, regretting that today.

    Shuttles were fun, thanks for pushing me Tom!

    Rower: 188, 183, 178

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