Aerobic Capacity
All at an 80-85% effort and with impeccable form, complete:
5 minutes:
12 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
15M/11F Hand Release Push ups
18 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
5 minutes of:
4M/2F Handstand Push ups
6 Toes 2 Bar
20 Box Jumps, (pogo style)
6 Toes 2 Bar
Rest 2 minutes
5 minutes of:
15 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
15 Sit ups
Rest 2 minutes
5 minutes of:
Run to curb and back x 2
15 Dead-lifts, 132#/92#
Handstands can be kipped (no ab-mat unless bumpers accompany). Scale hspu with 15 count holds. Box jumps must be pogo off the floor and off the box or reps do not count so scale if necessary. Do not upscale the weight.
Don't worry about keeping track of rounds, only move at a swift but sustainable pace. Focus on energy system development and not how many rounds you can achieve. This is not an AMRAP..... 80-85% effort is key!
Post only thoughts on how you felt about the workout to comments.
A big shout out to Stephen Wozab (upfront) and Chris Sanders. These two men have really stepped it up in their short time with us.
Stephen is currently in strength class and putting up big numbers while I've seen Chris really come along with his technique in class. Great to have you both at CFO.
Can't make a class time today, but I'll be making this up at some point on my own.
Positives: pushups and HSPU's felt good (was able to do most HSPU's strict)and box jumps are a lot better than they ever have been
Negatives: situps got tough for me which I wasn't expecting and my runs on the last 5 minute workout with the deadlifts were slow. T2B still need a lot of work to get more efficient with the movement.
Great work 6 a.m.!
I think I could benefit from this type of workout on a weekly basis as I think the variance of movement and the length of the workout would really build stamina......good training for the Warrior Dash, people??
Happy to get the DLs un broken through 2 rounds but wish I had attempted box jumps unbroken.
Set a PR with 10 consecutive DUs!!!
Danielle, I was trying to compliment your box jumps, so I hope it came off that way. Heaven knows what I said, given the complete lack of oxygen in my brain.
Stephen and Chris are GREAT guys with awesome attitudes! Keep up the good work gentlemen!
Stephen and Chris are GREAT guys with awesome attitudes! Keep up the good work gentlemen!
This was a great one after yesterday - my legs are smoked and this helped loosen things up a bit. Not that I didn't still limp/zombie-stagger my way around the grocery store on my way home.
Loved slowing things down for form. Especially KB swings - they give me trouble in competition because I hyperextend and close my hip off at the top. Tried to focus on fixing that. Pushups cut to 7 after 2 rounds - they felt ROUGH. Kipped my HSPU. Tried to find the right amount of tension to keep at the bottom of toes to bar so I can get range of motion but still snap back up. Situps were straight leg, no abmat. Runs felt pretty good - kept form fairly well, and kept an even pace.
Can't believe how damn nice it has been. But 3 running workouts in a row is plenty, please and thank you. :)