Benchmark Board Workout
21-15-9 reps of:
225/155 pound Deadlift
Handstand Push ups
To have a chance at the board, hspu cannot be kipped. Otherwise, kipping is allowed as a scale. If you choose to use an ab mat, you must place a green bumper to each side. Little to no bounce for deadlifts.
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Compare to 100803.
A badass pic of Brian (BC) Christiansen doing chest 2 bar pull ups. (photo by Chris Baldwin)
8:16. Rx'd on DLs, but was feeling it after getting a PR of 425 on Sunday.
Scaled down to box HSPU after getting 4 regular that were all types of ugly. Guess I know what I need to work on.
The 5am class was great this morning! It's always nice when class is full!
Despite that success, my shoulder has been beaten up lately, so I scaled to feet on a box. DL rx'ed, and didn't break up any DL reps. 9:50. This was surprisingly brutal.
Great work, 6am monsters!
Lynn, with your attitude and work ethic, you will be a TTB master one day! I can't wait to see you do 5 in a row (and I bet that's not even too far in the future)!
Pretty excited I was able to get through the HSPUs without kipping.Started with 2 sets of 5, then 3's for a bit and then they quickly melted into singles.
Only broke up the DLs once on the set of 15.
That's awesome!!! I'm giving this a go later today for the first time. In looking back, I have never done Diane.....
DL's Rx'd all unbroken
15 strict HSPU's, 30 kipping HSPU's
I missed strict on my 16th rep so went to kipping after that. I've never done 45 HSPU's in a workout before so this felt good. I started with sets of 3, then went to 2's and did a lot of singles as well.
Great job 4:30!!
I rested a lot today, but it was fairly deliberate. I broke up the 21 and 15 DLs just to really drill my form on the return - I tend to get a little out front with high reps. Otherwise, they felt great. With HSPU, I just wanted to keep my sets as big as possible. 21 was 7/7/4/3, 15 was 5/3/4/3, and 9 was 5/3/1 (failed on last rep and had to redo). Apparently, as I get tired, my head likes to go too close to my hands. Need to watch that.
This was a fun one! Humbling, but fun. Also, look out for the newer 6:30 ladies. These girls are getting good fast. I loved the vibe tonight - lots of cheering each other on and people working hard to get better. That's what it's about. Now start posting on the blog!