Friday 120309

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Press (w/ Bands) 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Usually, when adding bands, the focus is on speed training but it is also an opportunity to shift the focus to mechanics and the importance of bar path (staying over the middle of the foot). You are allowed to increase weight each set, remain at a set weight for all sets, or any combination of both. These will be completed on a 2 minute clock.


Playing around with 12.3

Complete 4 rounds, each on a 45 second clock, of:
15 Box Jumps, 24"/20" box (step down)
Rest 1 minute (rest 2 minutes after the 4th round)

Complete 4 rounds, each on a 35 second clock, of:
12 Push Press, 115#/75# (or master's weight)
Rest 1:10 minutes (rest 2 minutes after the 4th round)

Complete 4 rounds, each on a 25 second clock, of:
9 Toes 2 Bar
Rest 1:20 minutes (rest 2 minutes after the 4th round)

On a 3.5 minute clock, perform the following:
15 Box Jumps, 24"/20" (step down)
12 Push Presses, 115#/75#
9 Toes 2 Bar

See how far you can get with differing paces for each movement. Try to find a pace you like. You should feel capable of holding that pace for a long time and never rushed. Put the favorite pace together for the last part of the workout. See if you can get 1.5, 2, or even 2.5 rounds at the pace you chose and decide if that's a pace you can hold for 18 minutes.

If you would like to skip the above conditioning, try for a nice 20 minute recovery session on the rower, staying above a 2 min per 500 pace.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

A huge thanks to Jenn and everyone else that has helped with judging and cheering on. It's people like her that push us to reach deep inside and keep going when everything in our minds tell us to stop.

Thanks so much to all you competing, judging, and cheering these past few weeks. You guys are near and dear to CFO.

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8 Responses to "Friday 120309"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Jenn is a stud. That is all.
  3. Jen Allison Says:
  4. Jenn Grass is the best. She's legit.
  5. Egan Says:
  6. Jenn Grass is AWESOME!!!!!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Press with bands felt WEAK today. also had a lot of trouble keeping my wrists straight for this. used 70 or 75 most of the time. Might've worked up to 80 for the last set.

    Did 2 rds of each movement, then 2 full rds in 3 min. That was a little too fast. Going to try to stretch 2 rounds out to about 3.5 min tomorrow. We'll see, I guess!
  9. Marie Says:
  10. I want to thank Addi for counting my reps in the 12.3 workout I did yesterday, which I TOTALLY scaled. Addi, I never would have gotten through the push presses without your excellent coaching & encouragement! You're awesome.
  11. jakeH Says:
  12. Rowed 5K today 18:08. Not my best time, but wasn't max effort. Nice recovery workout.

    Good luck to all those doing 12.3.
  13. Paula Says:
  14. Band Press -Different...I liked them. Worked up to 63#.

    Rowed with Jenn and Joe T. while the rest worked on the 12.3.

    What can I say about Jenn....dedicated, genuine, persistent, competitor, warrior...just to name a few. A great asset to CFO!!! She does a great job on the judging as well. She is LEGIT!! Jenn ROCKS!
  15. JennG Says:
  16. Thanks guys! Was kinda bummed about not getting to "play" this year, but the judging/cheering gig has been really fun. I love our community and the support & encouragement (and good natured harassment) everyone provides to each other.

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