Thursday 120216

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Rest Day

Mobilize people. Make sure you pretest with the squat and then post test, again with the squat. Any change? How dramatic. Let me know.

The calf/achilles one is gonna hurt so good.

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3 Responses to "Thursday 120216"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. For all the Xfit women out there looking to put your Xfit skills to use someplace else, why not try the Omaha Women's Triathlon on 3 Jun? It's a sprint distance tri which is great for a first-timer: 750 meter swim, 12 mi bike ride and 5 km run.
    I think we have some people who could really dominate this event.
  3. Steve Says:
  4. Or try it as part of a 3-person team. Prices go up 1 March.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. I forgot to watch the MWOD video until just now, but did a good 45 minutes of mobility this morning at 7. Thanks for the new trick, John - going to work that one into rotation for sure.

    At 9, did a workout from CrossFit of Aces (where Kat trains now).
    10 rounds:
    2 HSPU
    4 DL @ 205# (305# for the bros)
    6 Bar-facing burpees

    Kat accidentally did 11 rounds last night, so I had to do the same. I can't beat her unless I beat her, right? :)

    10:35 for 10 rounds, 11:45 for 11.
    This felt great - missed my very first HSPU (got ahead of myself and just lost balance on the way up) but after that they went like clockwork. (At only 2 a round, they'd better by now!) Kept a nice steady pace - probably could have picked it up a little earlier at the end, but overall happy with how I managed it.

    This was a fun one! Any challengers?

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