Saturday 120218

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Open Gym - 15 minutes

Take the first 15 minutes to hit some squats, practice some muscle ups, or improve any movement you'd like.


Three rounds for time of:
Walking Lunges, 20 steps
10 Barbell Rollouts
30M/20F Ball Slams (all 16# ball)

For the rollouts, only go as far as you can keep your back safe. Everyone uses a 16# ball for slams. The guys do 30 reps whereas the females do 20 reps.

Post all results comments.

Remember to keep a fully extended hip throughout each rollout and only go out as far you can safely stabilize the spine.

Join me this morning for a free community workout at the lululemon athletica showroom at 9am. You ladies know you want to do a little shopping anyways and there is some cool dude stuff too.

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1 Response to "Saturday 120218"

  1. paul Says:
  2. No metcon for me today. Apparently, I don't know how to program an easy one for myself. So i did strict DB presses and pistols (in 5-fingers). Had to use 25# DB for balance on the pistols. I have a long way to go on those.

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