Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Warm up using sets of triples and doubles before moving on to your work sets. Jump in weight each time, stay light and work technique, or somewhere in between. The choice is yours. Complete these on a 3 minute clock.
Three rounds for time of:
25 Chest 2 Bar Pull ups
25 Overhead Squats, 110#/77#
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
I posted this on our Facebook page but wanted to post it here too. It is a very strong message Chipotle is sending. We, as humans, are caught up on how we're going to lose that next pound but in reality, it's quite simple. Change the food supply. Chipolte serving only grassed beef and pork?
120# on the last 3 rounds of Snatch and got better. Finished my OHS after the bell so 13:25 on the Metcon. Struggled with the CTB and I even scaled to 15/RND.
Great Job 6am!
Metcon: how many ways can you possibly scale?
11:09 using 20 reps first round/started with 77#, dropped to 63#. Did CTB and started with 2 sets of 5 and then dropped to 2/3 at a time. I've never done sets of 5 in a wod, and I think it hurt me later on, but I'm trying to figure out how many and how fast can I do these. Used mostly overhand grip throughout all rounds.
2nd and 3rd rounds I did 53# for OHS and 15 reps for both OHS and CTB. I was doing a lot of singles on CTB.
Stuck around after for more mobility work and regular pullups. I did 3 sets of 7 in :58, rested one minute, then did 2 sets of 6 and broke up last set of 6 after 4. This took me 1:22. I'm trying to get a feel for where my limits are on stringing these together. Usually I don't do more than 5 in a row in a wod.
A good look at humane treatment of livestock and a good movie in general is Temple Grandin. I watched it last night, and it's about an autistic scientist who studies the treatment of livestock. It all comes down to money.
3 rnds- didn't time it
25 front squats 77#
25 ring Pull ups
Conditioning: 11:05 Rx'd All sets of C2B broken up. 1st set of OHS unbroken, last 2 sets of 16 and 9. I'm really happy about not tearing today.
Nice big noon class with some new faces. Fun times.
DNF'd on the metcon. Was 11 OHS short when time was called.
Scaled to 20 on each move and scaled OHS to 88.
Time for some Chipolte....
scaled reps on the metcon to 15s and finished in 9:17.
Great working out with the 4:30 group, as always!
Metcon-8:58- scaled to kipping pullups- 8 for 1st rd, 7 for 2nd and 6 for the 3rd per Jon since I can only do 1-2 at a time. Thanks Jon. OHS with 53# for 15 reps. Broke them up 10, 5 for first rd then 8,7 for 2nd and by 5's on 3rd. These surprising felt pretty good.
Awesome job 4:30!!!
Worked on pulling under the bar and making contact. As usual. Thanks for the cues, JonDay! Helpful as always. And thanks for helping make it a pants party, Libby!
53# OHS, 25-20-15 on the pullups. Kept the OHS light - still building that shoulder back up. Felt like the perfect weight - was able to maintain larger sets than I have in a long time. I'm just hoping OHS don't come up until later in the Open so I can keep getting it stronger. Tried to keep the pullup sets big and take plenty of rest. Worked pretty well for most of rds 1 and 2. C2B always die off fast for me, so even though it was slow today, it was better than usual.
Loved the Chipotle video. Good stuff Shelley, you are so right...people just don't care. If only they invested in their health now to save money later (both their money and our money as health care costs continue to rise).