A. Pause Squat 5-5-5 reps (3.5 minute clock)
Warm-up w/ x5, x3, x2. You have the choice of either going with a front squat or high bar back squat for this lift. Either way, pause for a three count at the bottom most part of the movement.
B. Strict Pull ups - Max Reps x 3 (2.5 minute clock)
Goal is to touch COLLARBONE. If you can't get more than 5 on your own, use a purple band. If you can't get one on your own, utilize super slow negatives, mixing the grip, inverted rows and/or anything your coach suggests.
Max Reps in 25 seconds of:
Box Jumps
Rest 2 minutes. Repeat cycle 5 times. No consecutive jumps but you are allowed to jump off box so long as you reach full ROM.
Post weight, reps, box height used to comments/Logwod.
From left to right: Marie Huston, Keva Sherven, and Mike Rock practice their double unders during a recent workout.
19 reps on strict pullups (8,5,6)
78 box jumps (24") (15,16,15,16,16)
Box jumps are so much better than they used to be and the 2 minutes rest made me feel fully recovered for each of the next sets.
Great job 6 a.m.!
Pullups: 10, 7, 7 = 24
jumps: 17, 18, 17, 18, 19 = 89
Nice work, 6am!
7,6,5 for PUs
82 total reps for jumps.
Pull ups Strict C2B
Box Jumps
24" ?
+red&green- 14
+red&blue- 16
+red&blue&green - 14
Wanted to challenge the height since we paused at the bottom. Thanks for the push Kyle.
Pull-ups: huge weakness- with purple band 3, 2, 2. Felt like my shoulder may have slipped a little during the second round...ugh.
Box jumps:
20 in-13
22 in-12
24 in-11
24 in-11
24 in + green - 11
During WODs I usually stick to the 20 inch box, so I thought today was a good day to challenge the height. I agree with Shelley, the 2 minute rest was enough to feel ready to go for the next round.
Strict pullups - 6, 5, 5
Box jumps - 10 each round, box heights were:
24 + Red
24 + Red
24 + Red and Green
24 + Red and Yellow
24 + Red and Blue
Should've added the green in the 2nd set to finish with Red Red, wasn't paying attention. Good stuff though, and nice work 5:30!