Monday 120102

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Power Clean 3-3-3 reps

These are unbroken cleans. You must keep your hands on the bar, ride it down from the shoulders and directly into the next rep for the set to count. Complete these on a 3.5 minute clock.


10-9-8-7... 1 reps for time of:
Front Squats, 132#/99#

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Dropping some push jerk instruction.

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11 Responses to "Monday 120102"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Nice work, 6am! Good to be back with you folks.

    211 for the cleans (PR).

    9:12 rx'ed for the metcon. Had to rest a lot on that one--I'm still recovering from my vacation.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Did Isabel: 4:14 Rx'd. I did all power snatches, tried warming up with light squat snatch and wrist wasn't ready for that yet. Wrist feels fine with power snatch though.

    Messed around with light front squats (65#) 3 sets of 15; weight is light, but it bothers my wrist so changed position once I cleaned the weight.

    50 KB swings unbroken (1 pd): 1:13

    Rowed 500 meters: 1:45, rested 2 minutes, rowed 500 meters: 1:48
  5. Paula Says:
  6. PC-107#...these felt really good today! Nice "cleaning" with ya Kristina! Good job!

    11:03 on metcon with 77# FS. They got heavy real quick!

    Nice work 9am! Again...HUGE class! NIce to see.

    GO HUSKERS!!!!!
  7. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  8. Last two weeks of Everetts program..
    Full snatch 5x1
    175, 185, 195 (Miss), 195, 203 (Miss)
    Snatch grip dl + snatch pull
    229, 249, 259, 269
    Back Pause Squat 5x1
    260, 270, 280, 290, 305 (No Pause)

    CTB Pull Up
    Non-Alternating Pistol Squats
    1ea up to 10ea
    * Not Timed.. Around 9 mins...
  9. BC Says:
  10. 174# for last set of 3 power cleans. Felt pretty good.

    10:10 @ 110# for the met con. That didn't feel good.

    Between the holidays and the new baby my sleep and eating habits have definitely been less than ideal. Looking forward to getting back to a somewhat normal schedule.
  11. jakeH Says:
  12. Worked with Kyle K today. Had a brain malfunction during 2nd set of 3 @ 223. I just kind of set the weight down and paused. Did 223 again for the 3rd set.

    7:12 Rx'd on the met-con. Didn't really stop moving during, just a steady pace. Either way it was a rough one.

    Hira, try They have actual the certificates.
  13. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  14. Got bored and the place I'm training out of has a nice rower so....
    500m row sprints... Just 3..., About 2 mins rest between...
    1:34, 1:36, 1:36
  15. Hira Says:
  16. Thanks so much Jake!!!

    Good job today noon'ers, unfortunately my weekend caught up to me today.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 198, 213, 225 for the three sets of cleans, last set felt good, think I could of gone 230 or 235, but form was getting a little sketchy.

    6:54 for the metcon, why do these always look easier on the blog than they are at the gym!?
  19. Paula Says:
  20. Pat, I agree. I have come to the conclusion over the last few years...if they look sum what easy on the blog they are guaranteed to suck! No question!

    OK...CFO peeps! What's up the the blogging lately? I know some people that used to blog everyday that don't anymore. (I won't name names - you know who you are). :D
  21. Kristina Nash Says:
  22. Good luck at the new job tomorrow Paula! It was fabulous to clean with you today. You are super strong.
    Clean 107# (but my last set was sloppy).

    11:34 for the metcon with 82# front squats. I just tried to keep moving and breathe. The hardest part was holding the front squat rack position after the burpees. I felt like I was strangling myself at times.

    Good work 9 am!

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