A. Push Press 15sec-15sec-15sec-15sec
Treat this as any regular strength day. Increase weight each set, if possible, and complete sets on a 3 minute clock. Only this time, shoot for heavy and max reps. Compete for highest weight at highest rep count.
B. Single Leg DB RDL's 10ea-10ea-10ea
Choose to hold either one (in the linked video) or two db's to complete this exercise.
Tabata Squats w/ a Twist
Complete as many squats as possible during 30 (yes, 30) seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds. The twists are that you must pause for a quick 2 count at the top of every rep and, during rest, you must hold in the bottom position (just below parallel).
Be completely motionless before starting your 2 count. If you come out of the bottom hold before rest is up, you lose reps from previous round. Score is lowest rep count in any round.
Post weight+reps for each set from Push Press plus Tabata score to comments/Logwod.
Terra Moyers warms up for class. What is your favorite warm up movement or thing to do for warming up? Post answers to comments.
Push Press: 132x8, 132x7, 142x7, 142x8
RDL: 35s, 40s, 45s.
Squats: 9 (first set, but got at least 11 from then on).
Push Press - 79x4; 84x4; 88x3; 88x4
RDL: 35s, 40s, 45s
Squats - 8 all the way across.
Ended with 164 x 8 on pp
Lowest # on squats was 9, should have been around 11 our 12. Best thing was Ricky screaming "REST!!" during the holds. The irony was spectacular.
88x8, 98x7, 108x7, 118x6
RDL: 25's first set, then 30's on sets 2 and 3
Squats: 14 all across with the exception of one round of 13 in the middle
Enjoyed working with Laura and Regina on push press. Good job ladies!
Push press: 92 at 6 reps
SLRDL: 25-30-30. I could have gone heavier, but my grip strength is not great.
Squats: 10 reps straight across. I loved this. I often do not get out of the bottom of the squat fast, so this made me push that aspect!
It was great to work with JenA! It's been way to long!! Gina, as always, you are a beast! Great work 6 am!