Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Warm-up using a rep scheme of x5(EB) x5 x5 x3 x2. The clock will be set to 2.5 minutes so work quick at changing weights and be sure to spot appropriately at all times.
For time:
12 Muscle ups
24 DB Thrusters, 50#/40#
48 Power Cleans, 115#/87#
Walking Lunges, 96 steps
192 Double Unders
If you do not have muscle-ups, shoot for 36 pull ups and 36 dips. If you do not have dips (no bands), substitute diamond push ups.
Post results to comments/Logwod.
Gabe tries to get some Neil love.
Great job Cam- nice benching with you.
It was my first workout ever that I had 12 muscle ups in a row. Got them under 4:30 min. Broke up thrusters twice. Cleans were all singles but the last 5 were unbroken.
This is a black lung wod for me! Stupid allergies! One of my favorite wods ever tho!
15:39 on the metcon, option B. I did jumping pull-ups, but should have pushed myself a bit and done kipping. I'm still babying my shoulder a bit, not sure when to push it and when to hold back.
Looking forward to getting back on track with life next weak.
Metcon-Option B- 13:47. Did kipping pullups. 20# DB thrusters, broke up once. 77# PC. DU's sucked today! The most I was able to string together was 7. Pathetic. It seems as though pathetic is my word of the day.
Great job 5am!!! Doug, you killed those DU's!