For max reps:
5 minutes of Rowing (calories)
4 minutes of Straight Legged Sit ups
3 minutes of Rope Climbs
2 minutes of Overhead Squat, 88#/63#
1 minute of Pull ups
This workout will run like Fight Gone Bad. There will be six stations for every movement. The first six people will begin on the rower and the next six will not start until they have moved on to the sit ups.
An ab mat will be allowed for sit ups but the legs must remain fully extended at all times (no anchors). Touch the shoulder blades and hands to the floor then sit up and touch the toes. Rope climbs are chin above rafter and walk down rope until hands pass below marker.
Scale as needed.
Post total reps to comments/Logwod.
We have released this design on Facebook for preorders and now we're releasing it here. This is our new logo. We will maintain the wings/shield logo to some respect but what you see here is what we will predominately use from here on out. The hooded zip up comes in both a man's and woman's fit whereas the track jacket is unisex (fitted). The cost is $40 per.
These make perfect Christmas gifts and what other way to help us show the gym off around town than to flood the city with them. Help us spread the CFO word. Thanks.
Post to comments or email me if you'd like one (or many).
The next strength class starts next Monday, November 14th at 7:30pm. If you are interested in taking the class, you must register this Friday. Depending on how many are interested, I may open it up to 12 people.
83 cals
87 situps
4 rope climbs
29 OHS
10 pullups
This was tough but fun. Rowing felt steady/strong, situps unbroken but you definitely have to keep your entire body tight to keep your legs from coming up.
I still use my arms too much on rope climbs. OHS were broken up 12/13/4. I should not have set the bar down more than once as it's so hard to pick it back up. Pullups were the most surprising as I thought I would get more.
Great job 5 a.m.!!
100 cal
85 su
5 rope climbs
30 ohs
9 pullups
Felt really good today. Tough workout, but I feel like I had more energy and put up some good numbers (for me). Better than yesterday anyway. It was nice to have the rotation going too. Good to cheer and be cheered while working. Great job 6am!
105 sit ups
6 rope climbs
40 OHS
12 pull ups
233 reps. Need to work on rope climbs. I used my arms way to much. PUs were the toughest. I had nothing left.
94 sit ups
5 rope climbs
25 OHS
18 pullups.
227 reps
Paul, If you could list your reps like this, I would appreciate it. I want to know how you CRUSHED this one! Nice job.
Fun WOD!
93 cal
109 situps
5 climbs
21 OHS
15 pullups
79 su
6 climbs
27 ohs
19 pu
227 total
I think I could have scored a little better if I skipped the 6th rope climb and used the energy elsewhere.
62 cal
75 su
1 climb
10 ohs @43#
7 negs
*75 cals
*100 sit-ups
*1 full rope climb and another that didn't quite get chin over rafter before I lost my grip so I didn't count it..then I scaled to pulling from the floor...3, up & down
*20 OHS w/53#
*2 strict pull ups with blue & red. 3rd one just couldn't finish it..held chin just below bar until time
60 cals on row - need to improve form. I think I work faster and produce less.
90 sit ups
3 rope climbs
22 OH squats
10 pulls ups
All and all I was pretty happy as I used a thinner band than I have in the past. Long ways to go but I'll get there.
66 cals on row
98 situps
6 rope climbs
15 OH squats...Realized after the WOD that I grabbed the wrong bar for these. I only did 58 lbs. I meant to go Rx'd.
10 pullups
Loved this WOD!