Thursday 111103

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

This Saturday during all classes (including open gym but you may choose to do something else), the workout of the day will be the baseline testing. This includes a 2RM squat, 10 minutes of "Cindy," and a single 800 meter run for time.

On Saturday, all classes will run into one big class. This means that as long as you sign up to attend any class, you can come at any time, beginning at 8:50, to get your baseline started. We will be warming up a group every half hour or so. Because you may not be here this Saturday, you are allowed to do baseline during today's rest day festivities or even next Thursday's rest day but I do encourage you to test.

There will also be a free nutrition seminar on Saturday at 11am for those interested. Most of it will cover quantifying food specifically for each individual. Within this community, we mostly talk about the quality of food we eat but we must realize that portioning out our food is a very powerful component to reaching our goals. How much we eat is dependent upon how we metabolize glucose and the quality of that glucose. This is what the seminar will cover.

A super rad nooner. It's good to have you on board Foster. Keep working hard and good things will continue to come your way.

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6 Responses to "Thursday 111103"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. Made up Monday's workout today. 8:32 Rx'd and worked up to 110lb on snatch balance....ran out of time to go heavier. Good "pacing" that workout with you Jeff!

    Good time watching a group of fellow 6amers run through the baseline test.......probably be next Thursday for me.

  3. jakeH Says:
  4. Foster is a crazy man and always pushing himself further. Definitely an asset at noon.
  5. Jeremy Says:
  6. Did the baseline testing today:

    Squats I got 286#x2 my back was feeling a little sketchy today so I went a little lighter than I would have liked to.

    "Cindy" I got through 9 rounds with all of the pull ups, pushups and 3 squats for the 10th round. Biggest issue I have is the kipping pullup still no where near getting this movement down yet.

    800m I finished in 2:45 tried to sprint most of the downhill and just tried to keep a decent pace on the way back up the hill.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Baseline test today... against my will. Nice talking Garrett. You could sell ice to Eskimos.

    800m run = 2:41
    10 mins Cindy = 9 rounds + 7 pushups

    No time for back squat.
  9. Sherv Says:
  10. 3 rounds: 500m row, 25 DUs, 10 burpee box jumps. 11:14. Just wanted to get a good sweat going, and it worked. Then tried a little back squat since I had no idea where my 2RM would be. I got 308 twice after my METCON, so that's probably where I'll start on Saturday for the baseline. Looking forward to starting this nutrition challenge on Monday. I think its just what I need...

  11. Addi Says:
  12. Headed to Springfield, MO, tomorrow for the HOAteam competition with Josh and Steve - teaming up with former CFOG KLude. First event is tomorrow night, so I just did a bunch of mobility and handstand work.

    Great job on the benchmarks, Jeremy! The kip will catch up soon, and when it does you'll be unstoppable.

    Foster is definitely one of the most meticulous hard workers in the gym and is always working to improve his movements. Thanks for pushing the pace on Tuesday! Couldn't quite catch you, but had fun trying.

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