Friday 111104

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Handstand Push up Practice

You have 20 minutes to improve your handstands, handstand push ups, or even handstand walks. If you are capable of doing handstand push ups in a workout, spend your time working on attempting freestanding handstands and handstand push ups.


5 rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
35 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
20 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

We have a three xlarge and three mediums in this limited edition hooded sweatshirt. This design will no longer be used for apparel. The cost is $40. Come get them before they're all gone.

See the back here

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16 Responses to "Friday 111104"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. I'll take an XL. please charge my account! Thanks
  3. B3nj4m1n Says:
  4. If there is a large left I want it.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Worked on handstand walks/tripod holds (couldn't push myself up into handstand); handstand walks need a lot of work as I don't get myself vertical enough.

    DNF metcon: really disappointed in this. Things felt pretty good so I'm not sure what happened. First round was 2:48 but after 4th round I was at 15:32. Got through 23 boxjumps in round 5.
  7. paul Says:
  8. I still not convinced that you DNF'ed, Shelley!

    I worked on HSPU with my feet on a box, focusing on keeping my elbows pointed at the box and making everything from my hips to my head move as a unit. I also did some regular pushups with the same goals in mind, elbows in and tight, hollow core.

    14:58 rx'ed on the metcon. I paced it, but tried to pace in such a way that i was suffering the whole time. at 14, I thought I heard Jon say we only had a minute left. That was motivating.
  9. JonD Says:
  10. Got you down nick, and Ben we have 1XL left and 1M left.
  11. Hilg Says:
  12. Fun morning. Felt weak and couldn't do more than a couple strict HSPUs so I worked on holding and walking. Pointing my and squeezing my gluts(ass cheeks) makes a bit difference in holding and walking but I still can't consistently keep it up. (adolescent giggle).

    DNF on the met con(got to 2 KB Swings in round jumps were railing on my achilles so I reverted to stepping down. Also scaled DUs to 45 sec of work as they SUCK.

    Great job 6am...good times.

  13. B3nj4m1n Says:
  14. Jon, I am going to have to pass. Sweatshirts without sleeves look a little too funny for me and that is they only way I could fit in a medium.
  15. Jeremy Says:
  16. I worked on HSPU both facing the fall and not. I think facing the wall I am getting pretty close to decent form. As for facing out after working with Joe I think one of my biggest issues is still shoulder mobility.

    For the Metcon I DNF. I got 3 rounds with 25 DU's on my fourth round. I scaled the DU's to just 25 per round. The DU's really slowed me down I believe at one point I got 5 or 6 in a row but for the most part is was just ones and twos the whole time. I think I will start spending the Thursday rest day and really start to work on these.
  17. Crystal Says:
  18. DNF this morning. got thru 26 DU's on round 5.

    worked on tripods and some freestanding handstands.

    not a great morning and pretty disappointed. not very efficent in my movements.
  19. Danny Says:
  20. Worked on hspu's facing both ways as well as some free standing from a tripod.

    15:33 on the metcon. Scaled du's to 45 seconds of work and then moving on. Got in a rhythm the last couple rounds and got around 40 du's in the time.

    I gotta say, Jon Day's mustache get more impressive every time I see it.
  21. Gina Says:
  22. I worked on handstand holds this morning, both facing the wall and facing out. I tried a free standing hand stand, but was afraid I was going to fall and couldnt get all the way upside down.

    I really like the new programming. I appreciate the time to really work on some of these difficult movements outside of a WOD. My only complaint is time. With so much to do in each class, they have all run over by 5-10 minutes. This does not even include the time it takes to put any equipment away and write on the board. If there was a way to get everything done in the hour class time, I know I would feel less stressed and rushed to get to work each day after class.
  23. BigD Says:
  24. Did this one on base today. Worked free-standing handstands for 20 minutes. Really trying to get myself to stay nice and still and straight. Work in progress.
    DNF on the WOD. Got through 25 box jumps of round five.
    Box jumps were the weak spot for me today. Fun WOD though.
    Looking forward to the new challenge!
  25. BC Says:
  26. За умение работать сделал стену прогулки, то стойку на руках отжимания от колен, то пальцев и вот, когда мое плечо подожгли так же некоторую подвижность вещей за последние 8 минут или около того.

    DNF на metcon, 3 раунда плюс 35 окно скачки rx'd. Определенно грубым. Хорошая работа 5:30 экипажа.
  27. BC Says:
  28. Это последний пост был только для вас миссис Kahrs Адди.
  29. Eric C Says:
  30. 16:53 Rx'd

    Calves were damaged really bad after this. Couldn't walk all weekend. Didn't feel it coming in the workout.

    3 freestanding HSPU's in a row = PR
  31. Laura Says:
  32. Worked on HSPU on the box w/ knees and a few free standing.

    Made it through 16 DU's in the 4th round.

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