Monday 111128

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Dead-lift - 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Set a clock to a two minute interval and attempt two true dead-lifts at every beep. You may not use a mixed nor hook grip at any point.


Seven rounds for time of:
7 Dead-lifts, 65% of your heaviest weight from above
7 2-fer-1 Wall Balls, 20#/14#

Reminder that 2-fer-1 wall balls are a single shot with 2 squats. For the dead-lifts, no mixed or hook grip is allowed.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Load sequencing fault w/ the dead-lift. A must watch.

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13 Responses to "Monday 111128"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. worked up to 260# on DL's. I started with 174# and went up from there. Not being able to mix grip or hook grip was the limiting factor.

    8:53 metcon. 169# on DL's (65% of 260)
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. Worked up to 350# on the DL with Paul but my grip slipped on my second rep so, as my kids would say.....FAIL. 330# successfully.

    Consequently went with 230# for the conditioning rounds and finished in 13:49. Form felt good.....finished with a bloody sock so that's good. Double Take wall balls got better as I went.

    Great job 6am and as always, Paul, it's a pleasure working with you,

  5. paul Says:
  6. You too, Brian!

    Got 352x2, and used 251 for the metcon. but I DNF'ed because my back locked up and i basically couldn't deadlift. Suffered through 4 rds (even took some weight off), but my body wasn't cooperating, so I stopped. Frustrating. But if I had to lose a day, I guess it's better that it be a day working on my strengths rather than my weaknesses. Still, it would've been nice to put this WOD in its place.
  7. Crystal Says:
  8. 184x2 on DL's. it was hard to not want to mix or hook grip. it was more difficult.

    13:25 on metcon w/120#. had trouble with 2-fer's. something to work on.

    nice work 9am.
  9. Jen Allison Says:
  10. Ended at 203# on DL - felt like the bar was slipping out of my hands each time.

    Did 132# for DL, and modified my 2fer1 WBs to an extra squat after I caught it. I've never been so aware of my lack of rhythm and coordination! Finished in 11:38. This was fun, and it was great to be back! Nice job, 6am!
  11. BigD Says:
  12. 340# on DLs. Went for 350 on my last set. Weight felt fine on the back but had zero grip. Funny how un-natural it felt to NOT hook grip.
    Went 220# on the metcon. 11:07...I think. Damn, knew I should have looked at what I wrote down before I left. If anyone happens to notice it on the board today, please let me know if I'm right on the time before I post it to LOGWOD. Thanks!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I got one rep at 174 but couldn't hold the grip for the second rep, so finished at 164. 110 for the metcon. 9:53 was my time. The deadlift felt wonderfully light after the heavy lifts so that was nice. Couldn't quite squat fast enough to do it prescribed so I went with the second version of letting it hit the ground. Nice work nooners. Glad the 'staches are gone!
  15. Jen Says:
  16. 217 for DL and then used 131 for the metcon. Finished in 9:41. Kinda of tweeked my shoulder when catching the ball so I had to catch it 1 handed and then drop it. Silly!
  17. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  18. Heavy dl metcon test... 315# on dl seems to be my nemesis so 45 reps for time...
    10, 7, 5, 5... So far so good... Then 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2... 41 reps in 7:45... Just hit a wall at 41 :(

    Band assisted single arm push ups and pull ups along with GHD sit ups... These were tough even with a thicker band...

    Hit a recent pr of 287# on a split jerk yesterday...
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I think we should rename those wall balls "Oompa Loompas" Yeeeaaa?!
  21. hannah eileen Says:
  22. I had a great time in class tonight. Although I was corrected by both Joe and Ricky, it was the best my deadlifts have felt. I worked up to 187# on the deadlifts. My 1rm is around 210 now, so I was pretty happy with getting 187 2x with a neutral grip.

    I only did 99# for the met con because I feel like the 187 was getting a little ugly, so I worked off of the 165 that felt solid. Finished at 8:38 with letting the ball drop, stupid long arms...

    Great job, 5:30! Had a blast working out next to Karen again. It was a great first post-Thanksgiving workout.
  23. Kristina Nash Says:
  24. Worked up to 185 on the DL. Thank you Amanda for helping me improve my set up, it made a big difference in the weight I could pull with a neutral grip.

    10:54 metcon...I think, using 121 for DL.

    Nice work 5 am.
  25. BC Says:
  26. 304# for deadlifts, 7:38 on metcon rx'd.

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