Monday 111121

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rope Climbs (must use legs) - Two rounds of as many rope climbs as possible in 2 minutes. Partner up with as many as three other people or at least follow a 3 to 1 rest to work ratio (rest 6 minutes). Chin must pass above rafter and no jumping off rope before hands pass marker.


21-15-9 for time of:
Squat Snatch, 110#/77#
Box Jump Overs, 30 inch box

For the box jump overs, you must jump on the box in order to get to the other side but do not have to stand all the way up before doing so. Scale snatch reps in lieu of heavier weight for this workout.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Recipe of the Week (had to share): Creamy Pumpkin Curry

Click Here for Full Recipe.

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15 Responses to "Monday 111121"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 7 RC's Rx'd; 4/3

    13:03 Rx'd metcon

    Mentally, today got to me a bit.
  3. BigD Says:
  4. Went 3 and 3 on the rope climbs. Thanks Jon for the tips on fixing one of my biggest problems on these, which is pulling up with my arms while trying to move the feet up. On the ones I did it correctly, I could tell the difference. Arms weren't as worn out.
    The couplet could have gone better.
    Went 110 on snatch but cut reps to 9-6-3 after missing about 7 attempts on the first set. Went 12-9-6 on jumps with a riser and a green.
    Nice work 5AM!
  5. svioli Says:
  6. 3/3 on rope climbs. Tried the straight leg option (instead of wrapping the rope) - right leg on the first round, left leg on the 2nd.

    12-9 at 63# on Snatch squat
    6 at 53#
    21-15-9 on jump overs - first time ever with a riser!

    I didn't even pay attention to the time when I finished, I was just glad I was!
  7. Crystal Says:
  8. 7 rope climbs.

    11:55 for met-con. did box jumps rx'd and 9-6-3 @53# for snatch. snatch is not a good movement for me so i took my time on each rep. loved the box jump overs!

    awesome job 9 am'ers!
  9. Jeremy Says:
  10. 7 rope climbs

    13:59 for metcon scaled to 88# and a 26" box jump. Did the 21, 15, 9 rep scheme. The workout felt good but I still have a ways to go as far as cardio goes.
  11. Jen Says:
  12. 7 climbs. These are getting much better! 10:54 Rx'd for the metcon.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 12 rope climbs, alternating with my partner the whole time. Wish I had skin of steel for these! Ouch!

    9:52 for metcon. Started with 68# for the snatch but kept missing in the first round so I knocked it down to 58 and 12-9-6 reps. Second time using the riser and it felt great compared to last time! Not happy with my scaling choices for the snatch though. Finished pretty early so I could have gone with a higher box and took more time with my snatches. Live and learn.
  15. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  16. Quick Micheal Variation... Only 2 RDS
    * Did Some Ring HSPU's First...
    Tried To Get 1 A Min, But Only Hit 8 Total
    1000m Row
    50 Hip Extensions
    50 AbMat Sit Ups
    2RDS - 14:45
    REST 3-4 HOURS
    50 Strict Pull Ups (Old Best 4:29)
    * 3:52
    Sumo DL HP (95#)
    Hand Release Push Ups
  17. paul Says:
  18. 9 climbs. gotta get better at using the legs. thought my tired arms would interfere with the metcon, but the way my lower back lit up, i forgot i even had arms. had to scale down to 15-12-9. Finished 12:48 with 110#.

    Great work 4:30--nice big Monday class.
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. 10 climbs (4/6). I figured out the new technique and it made things much easier in round 2.

    10:13 rx'd for the metcon. All the boxes were taken so I built a "box" using 3 reds, 3 blues and a yellow.
  21. Steve Says:
  22. 5 and 5 for rope cliubs, alternating technique.

    13:23 for metcon. Rx'd weight and box height, but cut back to 15-12-9 for reps. 30 inch jumps slowed me down, but I remember when they used to be intimidating.
  23. Danny Says:
  24. 13 (8/5) rope climbs, still have some work to do on my technique.

    11:58 for the metcon. This one was tough, snatches were getting really ugly at the end.
  25. Unknown Says:
  26. 16 climbs today and a 13:05 metcon Rx'd. Not bad for not coming to CFO for 2 months. Didn't miss any snatches either.

  27. JLeggs Says:
  28. 14:21 - As usual, only did 44# on the snatch. Shoulders and wrists are a mess. However, I did gut out the RX'd rep scheme of 21-15-9. RX'd the box jumps and felt good on them.

    Rope climbs - 6. Felt like I could have done more but 6a was packed and there were 3 of us sharing a rope.
  29. hannah eileen Says:
  30. got 6 rope climbs (4/2). I tried a different technique on the second set. The first one was so much easier; then I lost all athletic ability and couldn't get much more. (Then frustration set in and I decided to be done with 30 seconds left on the clock.)

    8:38 for the metcon. I went super scaled(43#, 12-9-6) so I didn't mess my should up any more than it already is. That may be the first time I've done a snatch and had it not hurt. So that's good.

    Great job 5:30! It's always fun to see that much heart at the end of a shitty day at work!

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