Monday 111114

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Snatch - Complete one snatch every two minutes for 14 minutes. You may go up in weight every set, stay the same for every set, or any combination thereof.


Three rounds for time of:
400 meter run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull ups

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

At this year's world weightlifting championships. The 105+kg weight class world champion, Behdad Salimi, successfully snatches 214kg (470.8lbs.), a world record.

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14 Responses to "Monday 111114"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Woke up really tired and with serious back pain. But then, surprisingly, had one of my best days ever, 1 sizable PR...almost 2.

    Snatch: 159. 2 near misses at 169, which would be a 5# PR.

    Helen: 9:36 rx'ed. Previous PR: 9:57.

    Great work, 6am!
  3. BC Says:
  4. 50 kg snatch. I suck at snatch, whatever.

    On a brighter note 11:36 Helen Rx'd, PR. My previous pr was 12:01 from August 2009, and I haven't come close to that in a while (my last few Helens have all been in the 13:00 range). I'm surprised I pr'd, and I'm shocked I did by almost :30. Definitely makes up for snatch.
  5. BigD Says:
  6. 154 in snatch. A 7# PR for me.
    Then did 12:41 RX'd on Helen, a 54 second PR from last May. Not too shabby this morning.
    Only missed one attempt on snatch and that was the first shot at 154. Bar landed too far forward. Think it had been a mental thing of having that much over my head. Got over it in the second (also my last round) and really hit the landing, which felt really good both in the shoulders and my knees. So, I hope the ride this momentum and hit one of the goals I set at the challenge seminar, snatch over 154 before the year is out.
    Methinks this change in eating is helping...
    Awesome job 5AMers!
  7. svioli Says:
  8. 77# in the snatch. 14:34 RX'd on Helen. Damn running gets me every time - no matter how far I run, I always feel like I'm hyperventilating and it freaks me out, causing me to run slowly so I don't die. KB's were unbroken 1st round, then 15-11 in the next two. PU's were kipping, and I can't seem to string together more than 4 at a time.

    All in all, a good day at the gym. Thanks 5 AM for the encouragement!
  9. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  10. Yeah baby!!

    Kind of mixed and matched some CFO worjouts..
    Full snatch ... 2RM Test... Old best is 199#
    * Used Singles to work up to 204#... Got it!.. 209#... Why not... Missed rep one but hit two after that! 10# pr!

    CFO deadlift workout from few days back...
    3 reps each min for 10 mins... 330# (No bounce)

    Main site from yesterday.. sort of.. no wall to throw against so..
    Med ball weighted GH sit ups (10#)
    Wall ball 2 fer 1s (20#)
    * Both just felt awkward.. ha.. 6:55

    Ring pull ups working hollow position
    Band stretch
  11. Jen Says:
  12. 93 on snatch. Could go heavier, but wanted to focus on form.
    11:12 rx for Helen. Not a PR. 10:35 is my PR. Kind of bummed.
  13. Danny Says:
  14. Beautiful day to be at CFO!

    174# on snatch which I believe is a10# PR.

    9:28 Helen, 40s PR but I think I can still do better. The runs kicked my ass today.

    Always a pleasure working out with the nooners!
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. Loved running outside today but the running didn't love me back. lol

    Did 137# on the snatch and all of mine were power snatches.

    11:50 Rx'd on Hellen and had no point of comparison, interestingly enough.

    I'm traveling the next couple days and stopping into a Crossfit in the Twin Cities. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Hilg, out.
  17. Crystal Says:
  18. 53# for snatch. this is one of my least fave movements and i'm horrible at it. really worked on form today. did a few at 58# but they were so bad i didn't count them.

    13:47 for Helen. not a PR but was pretty happy with it. the runs were a little rough today.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 82# for the snatch today. Tried the last two reps at 87 but totally whimped out. I'd been working on these for a few weeks during rest day and it definitely helped! The highest I'd gone until today was 68!...not counting the split snatch we did a few weeks ago.

    13:20 for Helen using the tan band for pullups and 1 pood. Felt pretty good, considering how much I hate running.

    Great job nooners!
  21. Steve Says:
  22. 152 for snatch. Had 157 (which would be a PR) over my head while in a full squat but couldn't hold it.

    11:32 for Helen.
  23. ZachR Says:
  24. Lots of PRs today which is awesome. I didn't PR in either but did manage to meet both my goals for the day.

    Snatch - 198#

    Helen - 9:54 (goal was sub 10)
  25. Shelley Says:
  26. 109# on Snatch: I did 77,82,87,92,99,104,109. I'm getting more comfortable with squat snatch, but I still need to work on these.

    9:33 Rx'd on Helen which is a huge PR. The only other time I've done this one was in August '09 and my time then was 12:47 Rx'd. Swings unbroken, pullups were 7/5 in rounds 1 and 2 and I broke them up I think 4 times in last round. I need to work on stringing more together.

    Great work 5:30!!
  27. Paula Says:
  28. Snatches- it's been a while and I can definitely tell. My previous PR was 82# an year ago and tonight even the bar felt heavy. I worked my way up to 58# and continued to work on technique. It felt better as I went. It's amazing how fast your body "forgets" how to perform this most complicated lift known to man.

    As for Helen, I actually PR'd. As horrible as it felt it shocked the hell out of me. Back in May I got 14:37 with a blue and tan band and tonight I got 14:10 with just the orange. It's a small step in the right direction. It could be a lot of my new way of eating as well. Hmmmm! Maybe Ricky knows what he's talking about!! Ha!!

    Nice work 6:30! Thanks for the words of encouragement Katie!!

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