Back Squat - Shooter's Choice
After the general and specific warm-up, you get 20 minutes to work any rep scheme you'd like for the back squat. You can hit 21-15-9 (2.5min/1.5min rest), 3x5 (sets across), 1RM, or any other rep scheme you want to play with. Maybe even high bar as opposed to low bar. Use your time wisely as once the 20 minutes is up, we move on.
Rest 5 minutes, then:
One minute on followed by one minute off for 12 minutes of:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Unders
The up-downs are like burpees but without the jump and arms may remain extended (thighs must touch the ground).
How far can you get?
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
Med ball and hats - Jon Day and Dave Diehl. Always a pleasure men, always a pleasure.
high bar back squat, 5RM: 264. would've tried more, but ran out of time.
271 reps (11 of 20 up-downs). those up-downs took forever!
185 reps (5 of 30 DU's); DU's sucked today. Best part of the minute on/minute off (besides the minute off)was the fact you could go hard the whole time knowing rest was coming.
224 reps (14 of 30 up-downs). Didn't have to rest during the work periods. But can't figure out how to do those silly up-downs faster. Guess I need to start sprawling...
6am is packed lately. Great to see everyone coming out!
262 reps on the metcon. Only missed 2 DU's so not sure I could have gone much faster... unless I would have started the up-downs at suicide pace (and never let up).
Good working with the 5 amers!
142 reps on the met con......Greg Mo would not be so proud as I have not overcome my DU weakness (actually a jump rope weakness.....i hope nobody was watching the warm-up......UGGGLY).
172 reps
It was good to be back at CFO after a 7 day hiatus! Squats felt pretty good but double unders remain my arch nemesis.
I got 10 @ each station and Allison 7/6/6. I think i sold myself short on the rows probably could have got 12 pretty easy. Either way it was super fun.
Met Casey the lead trainer and the owner Liza. Both were awesome and were very welcoming. I would recommend stopping by there if anyone makes it up to Sioux Falls.
I haven't done low bar in a while and my hamstrings are crying right now
212 on the WOD