Thursday 111027

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

I'm going to be playing around with the programming a bit over the next few weeks starting on Monday. Bear with us as we try and find a healthy balance between getting newer members the exposure to lifts and movements they need while giving a bit more freedom to those that have been around longer.

My thought process on providing an enjoyable experience to all through the inclusion of helping the staff provide adequate coaching to newer members as well as tips and tricks to those that have got a handle on their own fitness is ever changing. I have never been a fan of splitting the class up by abilities and that will remain but I would like to toy with allowing more freedom to those that have been here the longest whilst still developing our younger (newer) athletes. In saying that, this change may even help whoever is teaching your class to pay some true attention to you longer standing members who sometimes are taken for granted.

This does not mean you 3 and 4 year members get to do what you want but as I rotate the more technical lifts and skills into the program on a more consistent basis, it will allow you to include a little more of your own programming (set/rep scheme, technical level) into the mix while we still help everyone else reach your level.

In short, hold on tight and watch as this unfolds. Always give feedback yet allow for some things to settle in before judging. See how it works for you. I want everyone to keep growing and improving.

Remember, CrossFit Omaha is not an exercise program. It is a training program. One that trains for life and sport. Especially this gym. So as with all legitimate training programs, it must evolve when needed yet stay true to it's core values.

In closing, I ask that you get your ass to the gym more often, acknowledge your fellow gym-goers by encouraging and motivating them at all times when you are here (don't be that guy that only worries about him/her self), and take an active approach to your fitness at all times by recording results, trying to actually learn what we do (lifts and philosophy) and why, and trying to push yourself each day to be better than you were yesterday (whatever that means to you).


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16 Responses to "Thursday 111027"

  1. tfrescas Says:
  2. I like the idea, especially since I am that "newbie" although I have to admit I have not felt a lack in support or instruction from the staff. You have all been there to help me through the learning curve, THANK YOU...

    As as for your closing comment-- I know get my ass to gym more.

    Thanks again for everything.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Sounds very intriguing and promising Rick, can't wait to check it out. Addi, are you having a "3 darts is too much" moment? Also, didn't make it in for squats today but I'll be squatting tomorrow. I did however take the dog on a 1.5 mile run, which is fairly unusual for me but pretty good after being in the car all day.
  5. Shane Says:
  6. I accept the challenge concerning my ass and it's proximity to the gym. Starting a new job this fall has put a host of new demands on my time, but I'm realizing that if I don't make my health (mind/body/spirit) a priority, then my happiness suffers.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. That's called technique, Brian. I would expect an avid jogger such as yourself to recognize that. :)

    I'm excited to see how the new programming plays out.
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Looking forward to see how the new programming goes!
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. AHAHAHAHAHA great post BC (sorry Addi...and Shelley).

    As a "5th year newbie" I'm looking forward to the changes as well. I do have a great deal of trust in our coaches and appreciate every bit of encouragement/advice/criticism from the people who train with me.

    NOW I need to get aggressive with my weaknesses...especially the ones that pertain to my patience/confidence/attitude. That damn back squat can bring out the worst in me...

    When does the next strength class start?!?!
  13. Egan Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Egan Says:
  16. This sounds GREAT!

    Change and challenges are always good. I like the fact that we at CFO are exposed to a group of coaches who believe in the idea that training should be constantly tweaked to better our results and experience. I have to say that from high school to global gyms to the university I have always added something to my tool box, but the past few years I have had the opportunity to take my understanding and skill level to new heights. Some of it has been personal, but the majority has been from two Crossfits, one in Texas and most recently here at CFO. You folks know form and function and I want to say thank you for all that you have given me so far. I am now excited to see that a new chapter in CFO training is coming, the statement “tweaking to make it better” is robust here at CFO and I believe we will all welcome it with open arms, minds, and hearts.

    Ricky, Joe, Jon and Amanda – you folks are the foundation which we build our strength upon. An individual gets stronger and faster because they push themselves, but the coaches are the ones who give them the key to unlock the skill which enhances the talent hidden within.

    Again, I thank you for the allowing me to shed the blood, sweat, and tears that makes CFO an awesome community as well as strength and training facility.

    Time to strap it on and KILL IT!!!
  17. Addi Says:
  18. At the J this a.m.
    Low-bar back squat 3-3-3-3-3
    ended at 200# - felt WEAK
    superset w/7 bar dips

    At noon class:
    yesterday's .com workout
    20 min AMRAP
    3 wall climbs
    10 up-downs
    5 parallette pass-throughs
    10 grasshoppers

    6 rounds even
    was shooting for 7, but I knew that was aggressive. Really happy with 6, and enen happier it's over!
  19. Chad Barthel Says:
  20. Ricky:

    Thanks for the programming info. As you evolve class time to accomodate a healthy balance of athlete need I would like to ask you to including mobility training into everyday class time.

    I'm talking about scheduled, focused, coach-instructed, performance enhancing mobility work built into every class.

    Egan says it well - coaches are the foundation and provide the keys to unlock the potential. I can follow the main site wods for free but I'd suck at a bunch of stuff I can now do thanks to coaching tips, encouragement and challenge.

    I can follow but k-star online can't give me feedback. I can couch stretch in the morning the same as I can deadlift at 24-hour fitness but I prefer to do both at CFO because I'm better at doing them there because of the coaches, the structure, the atmosphere.

    If mobility is the secret sauce to next level performance for athletes we'd all benefit from the same quality focused time and coaching we get on deadlifts, box jumps, snatch, dips, etc.

    All these reasons and because I personally really suck at mobility stuff.
  21. Ricky Frausto Says:
  22. Hey everyone, I'd like to ask you, if you have a Facebook account or a Twitter account, to follow us for more info on all things happening pertaining to CFO.

    I know that not all of you have access to these things and thats okay but those that do, you can really find out a lot more about whats going on with the gym in terms of the new programming and what not.

    If you do not have access, no problem, you'll find out some stuff here as well as when you come to class. Social media just allows us to get it to you early and in more detail.

    Also, I will not email you the info so please don't ask. This is just a benefit to those that want to sign up and/or follow our social media accounts.

    In fact, I am going to post some things about what we're going to try with this new programming including some challenges to you.

    Happy Thursday.
  23. Ricky Frausto Says:
  24. What I meant to say was that I was going to post some things RIGHT NOW. Forgot that part.
  25. Jeremy Says:
  26. Did 8 rounds in 20:00
    3 HSPU
    6 Deadlifts @ 225
    6 pullups
    6 burpees

    Good work today Pete

    As a newbie I appreciate all the attention that I currently get from the trainers. And greatly appreciate any extra help I can get I have a long way to go but I am loving every minute of it.
  27. ZachR Says:
  28. Came in at 4:30 and did yesterday's workout.

    In 20 minutes I did (low bar):

    For the metcon I was 2 Up-Downs shy of completing the round of 30. It took me two additional rounds to finish the rep scheme.
  29. BigD Says:
  30. Yay! Knocked a little over a minute off my mile and half run from 6 months ago during my PT test. 12:42. First time I've been below a 13 minute mile and a half EVER in my AF career. Maxed out the points for waist measure/pushups/situps, so my run has always been my big problem. I credit my improvements to the awesome coaching and awesome gym members that make me want to get better every day!
    Can't wait for Friday's WOD!
    Also, great post on Facebook, Ricky! Looking forward to the changes.
  31. Shelley Says:
  32. Congrats Dave on your huge improvement on the run!!

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