Split Snatch
Every two minutes, including to begin the workout, perform one split snatch for 20 minutes.
You may go up in weight each time or you can stay at the same weight for no more than two consecutive sets but you are disallowed from reducing the weight for the duration of the workout. This includes whether you miss or make the weight.
Start light and work your way up.
Post all weights used to comments/Logwod. (denote whether missed or not)
The split snatch
Did the following: 77,77,87,87,92,99,104,109,114,119.
I had to press out on 114# so I wasn't sure if I should go up or not, but I'm glad I did. 119# tested my ability to recover my balance, but I was able to save it. Thanks Jess for feedback and pushing me to go up a bit more than I probably would have.
Great job 6 a.m.!! I love the big classes!!
Nice working with you Corey!
Good to see rookie Tim Maher in his 3rd class (1st 6am class). Tim is on old school volleyball player that refuses to let his 'advancing years' slow down his time on the volleyball court. Ha! Keep it up Timmy! Love ya!
First time doing a split snatch
6 DL (225#)
12 Pull Ups
24 DUs
*10 Rds*
12:30... All movements I'm good at right now and a deadlift weight and weights that are low so was able to just keep about :50-1:10 rounds...
5 rds
10 FS (134)
12 pushups
my elbow's feeling better, but my pushups are still kinda weak.
These felt great - it's the most I've snatched in a long time. Starting to feel like I'm getting my mojo back.
Was feeling really good & then lost it. Thought I would be able to get 99#, but no dice. Next time.
Split Snatch felt really good today even with my sore knee. Started at 88# and went up 10-12# each set.