Clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
This lift is the squat variation.
If there is time (and only if):
Tabata Double Unders
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds. Your score is the lowest amount of reps in any of the eight rounds.
Post all weights lifted (and Tabata score) to comments/Logwod.

The guy in the pic is Mike Jung. Some of you have met him and some of you haven't but if you ever get the chance, you want to workout with this fellow. One of the best attitudes I've seen and is just always having a good time mid-workout. It's people like Mike and the improvements he's been making that make our community second to none. If you see him around, be sure to say hi. I bet he'd appreciate it.
Nice work, 6am!
208# (and it was heavy)
Paul, I think you could have got 500 DU's.....
Good job 5am!
Good working with you Scott and Joe.
Tonight was a decent night. Felt like I was doing cleans like an Indy car racer we were going so fast! Ended up failing on my last set - only got 141 once out of the three. So my final was 131.
kinda ugly and lots to work on, but when I went back and checked the last time I did cleans, I had a 1rm of 104# so pretty happy with that number.
good work 6:30 it was a very enjoyable class!
137 x 3
147 x 3
157 x 3
167 x 3