Rest Day
Reminder that the 6:30pm class will be Yoga only. You are more than welcome to attend an earlier class for lifting followed by the 6:30 class for unwinding.
Watch and learn. Head position is important. Think about dead-lifts. Where is your head when you pull? Not to mention push ups, handstand push ups, etc. You only have one neck, take care of it.
3 rounds plus 7 pushups Rx'd. I wanted to go Rx'd to see where I stack up. I broke up pullups in first 2 rounds in 4 sets of 5; 3rd and 4th were 7/5/4/4. Pushups were 7/7/6 first round then 7/5/4/4 in rounds 2 and 3 and a single set of 7 in round 4. I've never been so happy to do situps and air squats :) Pullups felt better as the workout went on, and pushups are so much better. These felt really strong today. I knew pullups and pushups would suck, but I feel more confident in these higher rep workouts after today. The runs weren't as bad as I expected them to be, and my pace was pretty consistent throughout.
Times after each round: 8:02
2nd round: 16:45
3rd round: 26:05
But, had a nice hour of yoga afterwards. As unflexible as I am, I felt great afterwards! Thank you, Ricky for starting these up. Hope they continue!
Also, I'm excited to see how 9 am goes in November - that time works perfectly with my Mondays.