Monday 111024

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Three rounds for time of:
18 Handstand Push ups
15 Dead-lifts, 252#/170#
12 One-legged Squats, alternating
Run 600 meters

Two rules: no ab mats and no mixed grip on the dead-lifts.

Scale as necessary to finish in 20 minutes.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

A big thanks to all those that came out for med ball. It was perfect weather and a whole lot of fun.

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10 Responses to "Monday 111024"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Hated to miss medball!!

    This thing owned me. My neck and back are a mess now. Probably more the way I slept than the WOD.

    19:15 (1 sec behind RK, who sprinted past me on the last 600). Scaled to 18 35# DB presses, 225# DL (wasn't feeling the DL today), and pistol negatives.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Tough morning. My back was already kind of messed up from sleeping wrong, and so something in this wod (or maybe it was EVERYTHING in this wod) was more than i could handle today.

    19:15 (1 sec behind RK, who sprinted past me at the last minute). Scaled to 18 35# DB presses, 225# DL, and pistol negatives.
  5. Kristina Nash Says:
  6. Man, this looks fun!

    Damn you shoulder injury. I hope the doc has good news for me on Wednesday.

    Missing everyone!!
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. My running sucks. Or was that just the rest of the shit adding up??!! lol

    21:47 (finished the run) 5/1/1 HSPUs followed by a balance of presses with 35lb DBs, 252#DL, Weighted Pistols with 5 lb weight.

    Why is it that I can press 170# but struggle to do seated press with 35# DBs??? must have week support or something. Did my first weighted Pistols today and got pretty comfortable with them. Progress, right!?

    Great Job 6am!!

  9. Hilg Says:
  10. Check this out Addi!!:
  11. Jeremy Says:
  12. 19:37
    5 handstand pushups facing the wall followed by 13 30# dumbell presses.
    198# deadlift.
    One leg squats off of a box, right knee is pretty sore for some reason.
    The 600m run was tough but got through it.
  13. Kelli Says:
  14. This workout was hard. Nuff said.
  15. Shelley Says:
  16. 21:48

    Took off for last run at 19:00 so was allowed to finish.

    I did 9 HSPU's (mix of strict and kipping) and 9 DB presses each round, DL and runs as Rx'd; pistols with my heel on 5 pound plate (heels come up without plate or without weightlifting shoes on)

    I used 35# DB's first round and then dropped to 30#'s after that. These were harder than HSPU's I think.

    DL's were the best part of this workout.
  17. JennG Says:
  18. 22:46

    Left for the last run @ 18:48...debated for a split second about going because I knew I wouldn't get back before time was called, but also didn't want to leave 1:12 on the table.

    Used 20# DBs for seated presses. Did a few with with 25s in warm-up and was certain I wouldn't be able to finish with them so didn't start with them.

    121# for DL

    pistols off box

    THANK YOU, Andrew, for coming out to run my last 200 meters with me & push the sprint to the end!!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Hilg, that looks awesome! I was so excited about the second line being, "Line the baking sheet with bacon." that I didn't even care that the next line contained the word, "dilicious."

    DNF - came in from the last run at 21:00. Did 4-5 strict HSPU each round, then finished with 25# DB seated presses (started with 30#, but didn't make it through the first round with those!). You're right, Shelley - the presses kept things moving, but they felt way harder than HSPU! Everything else rx'd - I was happy my pistols cooperated. :) DL got heavier than I expected.

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