Tuesday 111011

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Push Press 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

Post each individual load plus all of them added up together to comments/Logwod.

Men's event 3 on Friday at the UFC Fan Expo.

Halloween Event 

Don't forget to register your family for this year's Halloween event. Costumes are required to participate (both children and adults). You don't have to be a member so bring a friend and their kids to the morning festivities. 

When: Saturday, October 29th
Time: 10am - 12pm
Why: Because candy is good.
What: Family friendly workout that will encourage physical activity for prizes and candy.

Register by October 26th to with your name, children's name and their ages.

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12 Responses to "Tuesday 111011"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. My second ever 5am. Nutty.

    164, 132, 174, 115, 186, 98

    869 Total?

    Way to dug deep, Bob!

  3. BC Says:
  4. 148, 110, 154, 88, 159, 64.
  5. Mark Says:
  6. 198, 154, 208, 132, 218(miss), 110
  7. Jeremy Says:
  8. 176, 142, 198, 110, 203, 88
    Good work today Mark. Thanks for staying on me about my form I swear I will work on it.
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. 205-145-210-115-225(f)-225(f)-95

    Did this at globo gym. 225 wasn't happening for me today.

  11. Eric C Says:
  12. Good to get this one in since I missed yesterday. I wanted to see what 30 reps is like. I can tell you it's not fun. But worth it when it's over.

    174, 135, 164, 120, 174, 93
  13. Danny Says:
  14. 174, 142, 186, 120, 208, 98

    I picked my higher rep weights pretty well but should have started higher on my 1 rep.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Thanks for the props about yesterday, Jake. I gotta get what I can because I may never catch you on a metcon.

    I was cautious about today given my elbow, and just played around with push press and strict press to see where I'm at. I was pretty happy. I did 2 sets of 10, 3 sets of 5, then 3 sets of 3 PP, worked up to 154x3. My elbow felt good. Then 3 sets of 5 strict presses, working up to 115. My elbow was getting tender but I ran out of steam anyway. Not sure if I just got weaker or if it was fatigue from the volume, but I barely got the 5th rep of 115 up.
  17. paul Says:
  18. Also, my arms got sore from yesterday--my left bicep and my right delt (from mixing grip). crazy!
  19. Jess Says:
  20. 58, 48, 63, 43, 68, 38

  21. Addi Says:
  22. 132, 88, 132, 74, 142, 64
    Total = 622? Too lazy to get out a calculator

    Wanted to match or beat BC's numbers, but my shoulders were still shot from the weekend, and I'm not sure I could have anyways. :) 1 reps felt good, long sets just wiped me out. Tried to listen to Joe (first time for everything, right?) and drive through my heels more instead of always jumping. Didn't realize that habit was so ingrained.
  23. JennG Says:
  24. 98, 69, 103, 64, 108 (failed twice), 44

    Wasn't sure really where to start, but feel pretty good about my choices, even with the fail. I didn't have a benchmark for push press, but when I went back and checked, my 1RM press was 80#, so I'm ok with 103. Shoulda gotten the 108 but think I burned out on the set of 20.

    Always fun to work with Megan!

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