Friday 111021

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
100 Toes 2 Bar
75 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
50 Overhead Squats, 93#/64#
25 Ring Dips

There is a 20 minute cut-off to this workout. If you do not have ring dips, you may substitute ring push ups and/or hand release push ups. Scale reps and/or weight as needed to finish before the cut-off.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Do this mobility after the workout. You will definitely have some inflamed achilles' tendons after all the box jumps so take some time to take care of them since they obviously take care of you.

If you haven't already heard, we are going to be trying out a 9am class during the month of November. If the attendance is legit, the class is yours. If it isn't, bye-bye new class. From what I hear though, it seems as though it might be a hit. What do you think? Post some words to comments.

Big reminder that there are no Saturday morning classes this weekend in lieu of our amazing game of Ultimate Med Ball. You will not want to miss this if you have some free time available. It goes from 9-12pm on UNO's football field. If you want to play, we'll see you there. Family and friends are welcome to join us.

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16 Responses to "Friday 111021"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Hell. Yes. This is just a list of things I love in descending order. Great mix these last couple weeks of strengths and weaknesses for me. Or maybe I just have a better attitude now that it's not nasty hot out anymore.

    9 am class is great - it only works for me on Mondays, but it's going to make my Mondays so much better.

    Also, go to Ultimate MedBall if you can, kids! It's the most fun event CFO puts on. I'm super bummed I have a meeting, and I'll have to miss it for the first time since it started. So it's also a rare chance to go to a CFO event safe from my heckling and general obnoxiousness. Don't pass this opportunity up! They don't usually get rid of me this easily!!
  3. paul Says:
  4. DNF rx'ed. 2 ring dips. Just as well, really--my elbow wasn't loving ring dips in the warmup. TTB took 10 min. Gotta work on those.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Also, I can't make it to medball! Really upset about that--i f'ing LOVE medball!!
  7. BC Says:
  8. DNF - made it through 2 ring dips using rep scheme B & 74# OHS. T2B took Nice work 6am.

    For the first time ever I have to miss ultimate med ball. I'm not happy about but I HAVE to get this basement project finished before our baby comes, and the clock is ticking.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Meeting canceled. I'll be at med ball. Suckers.
  11. Steve Says:
  12. Darn- was looking forward to an Addi-free workout this Saturday.
  13. Hilg Says:
  14. 19:57 with 50/60/30/10 Scheme. Ran out of gas early on TTB and had to kip hard to get 2 in a row for the last 20. A definite weakness for me but I'm glad I took Jon's advice and kept with TTB with fewer reps instead of scaling to something less.
  15. Natalie Says:
  16. 50 KTE, 40 Box jumps (20'), 40 OHS @ 33#, 25 Narrow Pullups finished at 20:01. Crazy amounts of scaling happening......just figured I'd keep moving until time was called. Welcome back Celeste...always good to see your smiling face at the CFO.
  17. Tovar Says:
  18. BC get your priorities straight! MedBall should be much higher up on the list. :) I can't wait for Ultimate MedBall!

    Also, can't wait for the Petersen's bonfire. Definitely a fun time of year to be a CFO member!
  19. Jeremy Says:
  20. Did 70, 50, 30@ 88#'s and 22. I did the recommended C in 18:30 and decided to do more ring dips until 20:00. Overall I am happy I scaled this workout right so I could finish it. OHS also went better than they have in the past.

    Also the new 9:00 time spot will work well for me.
  21. BigD Says:
  22. Went with option B in the reps but went RX'd on the movements. 19:05. Didn't do too bad in T2Bs. Nice work nooners!
  23. jakeH Says:
  24. 18:36 rx'd

    i finished T2B around 9 minutes and was glad they were over. The rest went pretty smooth. Box jumps were steady and OHS broke into 3 sets. Ring Dips were a nice treat.

    Everybody did great job at noon today.
  25. Steve Says:
  26. Option B (80,60,40,20)- 19:57. Thanks to Scott and Brian for pushing me on when I was down to one ring-dip at a time.
  27. Addi Says:
  28. 19:04 rx'd

    Focused on managing reps smartly - something I'm terrible at when it's a movement I like, like toes to bar. Had planned to do 5s on those to be conservative, but I got excited and went with 8s. Those held until almost 60, then it was 6s until about 85 and then it was just get them done. If I had gone with 6s from the beginning, I would have been set, but I'm glad to know I can hold 8s for that long.

    Box jumps and OHS I gamed perfectly, but probably took more rest than I needed. Ring dips were 3s until 18 and then I just chipped away. I didn't think those would go as fast as they did. Felt good to finally be comfortable with OHS again.

    Love seeing all the new people popping up. Jason and Troy - I know I saw you both around during your one-on-ones, but it was nice to finally meet you! Good work tonight!
  29. Eric C Says:
  30. 19:54 Rx'd

    Just happy to finish this beast!
  31. Shelley Says:
  32. Option B on reps, Rx'd on movements/weight. I had 4 ring dips left at the 20 minute cutoff. T2B took me 9:43, got to ring dips at 16:00 and just didn't get through them.

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