Double Body-weight Dead-lift x 15 reps
All reps must be unbroken and chained together. No excessive bouncing is allowed but you cannot take your hands off the bar or pause at the bottom during your 15 reps either.
Scale if necessary but log your result and better it next time. Check comments for scaling options.
Demo video [mov]
followed by,
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time of:
Double Unders
Sit ups
Post weight used for dead-lift and "Annie" time to comments/Logwod.
Great pic of Tara Doughty doing some front squats during our mini competition a couple of Saturday's ago.
DL: 318x16. Sold myself short, should've gone for 330. Next time!
Annie: 5:25 (15s PR).
that's 5:25, Pat! I think you can beat it...
These felt pretty good. I've done this weight before on DL during strength class where it was as many reps as possible and got 9 so this is a PR of sorts. I also felt like I kept good form which sometimes can go south with heavier weight.
Annie: 6:53 (23s PR)
This is the first time I've done Annie with DU's all unbroken.
Great job 6 a.m.!!!
I enjoy working with you Gina! You made the DL's look easy!!!
I got 50-40-30 DUs unbroken and FINISHED Annie under the cutoff at 9:31 Huge PR for me
Great Job 6am!
6:04 for Annie. Not a PR but I missed on my DUs twice so that hurt a bit. Situps got really tough on the last 3 rounds.
See everyone at 430!
Way to represent last night ladies! Thanks for putting this together Ricky!
225# = 67% 1 rm max. Should have went a little heavier.
Annie = 6:11
Annie: 6:02 or 6:09 can't remember.
Paul definitely set the bar high today with that huge dead-lift and lightning fast Annie. I think I can pull more. In my case the heavy dead-lifts made sit ups tougher.
198#x15 - this weight felt heavy in the warmup, but easy for 15. Glad I started a little light, though, because it let me focus on the form and gave me some things to work on. 208# would have been 1.25xBW for me, but i think I would have had a hard time controlling the descent.
Annie - 7:05 (PR - old time 8:41) I hadn't done this since Feb. 2010. I'm sure my situps were faster than last time, but they didn't suck my will to live any less. DU were pretty solid today - just tripped twice, and it was because I got lazy. (Imagine. Me, lazy.)
I don't know how this will work since there were NO WITNESSES, but I got Annie in 4:57, with good, legit sit ups. I and didn't ever stop on either movement.
And Addi, you have it all wrong! Annie was the awesome part of the work out!!!!
Annie in 8:34
situps were absolutely terrible