Thursday 110901

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Thursday evening at 7:30, we will be having a little competition. Join us for some fun, whether it's watching or partaking. We'd love to have you.

You guys know Josh Kahrs? He is one of the originals from the UNO days. Been with us for how long now Josh? He and his wife Addi have been a part of our CFO family for quite some time and have seen some amazing changes over the years. We truly appreciate everything they have done for us and thank them for allowing us to be a part of their lives. Both Addi and Josh are CrossFit Level 1 certified too.

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17 Responses to "Thursday 110901"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I feel kinda beat up today!
  3. Mark Says:
  4. I hear ya Paul... falling alseep was a little tough last night due to my body incredibly tired and uncomfortable.
  5. lynn Says:
  6. Ricky, are these Thursday competitions a recurring event? I'd love to attend but the sky is still falling on the work front today.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. I'm taking a rest day today. I will be there to cheer on others tonight, but my body is beat down right now.

    I'm in for the Heros WOD on Saturday though.
  9. tina Says:
  10. can't make it Sat. :(
    mobility wod today
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Going for Jimmy's last Taco Ride tonight instead of the competition - one of these days I'll make it to one!

    Planning to be there for the 31Heroes on Saturday, though. Do you guys want us to find partners or do you want to pair us up?
  13. Steve Says:
  14. I am feeling last night's WOD... hopefully Friday's WOD isn't go to kill me going into Saturday.
  15. CrossFit Omaha Says:
  16. You can find partners if you want but we will just pair people up. I will see who has signed up and will pair people up accordingly if I have not heard of anyone who wants to partner up. So let me know if you do.

  17. Shelley Says:
  18. If we are looking for partners for Saturday's WOD:

    Ok at thrusters
    so-so to sucky at rope climbs
    so-so box jumps
    Ok at runs in this distance with or without weight

    Who doesn't want the above in a partner?:)
  19. JonD Says:
  20. Remember to sign up as usual guys, since we changed the class times we are offering that day.


  21. Kristina Nash Says:
  22. I'm coming tonight! Hopefully I'll get called off work Saturday. I may be a last minute joiner if that's ok?
  23. paul Says:
  24. Love this pic of Killer Kahrs. You should've seen that guy front squat back at UNO. 70s big!
  25. BC Says:
  26. I tried to sign up for 31 on Sat but there are no class times at all for that day. What kind of cruel joke are you playing Jon Day?
  27. BC Says:
  28. OK. It works now. Jon, I'm sorry I had to get all medieval on your ass but you brought it on yourself. I think we've all learned a lesson here. Carry on.
  29. Kayla Says:
  30. Thanks Ricky for sticking around and putting on the extra WOD tonight, it was a lot of fun.

    Also thank you to everyone who stayed and cheered me on. Nobody likes finishing last, but being last is always better than not finshing or better yet not even trying.

    used 77#, don't know exactly how long it took me, but I'd venture to say around 30 mins(which was about 6 times slower than the fastest female tonight).
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. Pretty sure it's been a little over 4 years now and it has been a great experience so far. Just before we found CFO we were doing everything we could to try and leave Omaha, now some of our best friends are here. Thanks for everything you guys do both staff and members.
  33. Kristina Nash Says:
  34. Good work last night Kayla! It was a tough one, but you kept moving and finished it!

Thanks For Visiting!