Saturday 110903

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 31 minutes of:
8 Thrusters, 154#/104#
6 Rope Climbs, 15 foot
11 Box Jumps, 30/24 inch box

This is a partner workout. Partner #1 runs 400 meters with a 44#/22# plate while partner #2 starts on the triplet above. When partner #1 returns from the run, partner #2 takes off on the run while partner #1 picks up on the triplet where partner #2 left off, and so forth for 31 minutes.

For the rope climbs, chin must pass over the rafter and you must bring yourself all the way down to the ground. No jumping off from midway or the rep will not count. Scale load on thrusters or height on jumps as necessary.

Post total reps achieved to comments/Logwod.

Reminder that the 8:20 to 9am class as well as the 10 to 10:40am classes are open gym while the 9 to 10am class will be participating in the above workout. Thanks so much for helping us participate in this great remembrance of our fallen warriors.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 110903"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. A lot of people have asked about running the Corporate Cup 10k on 18 Sep, but only a handful have signed up. Go to and join team 'CFO'. They're assembling team packets for pickup later this week.
    Remember, there's no T-shirt for the team, so wear one of your existing CFO shirts, or your new FGB shirt.
    We'll have details for the early Sunday morning meeting place later on.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Awesome workout today - I liked it even more than I thought I would. Teamed up with BC - swapped the thrusters out for 45# ball slams and he scaled thrusters to 110#, but I did the 44# run and the 30" jump to make up for it. We ended up with 6 rds and 3 thrusters, or 153 reps scaled/super-rx'd.

    I looooooooooooooooooove rope climbs and tall box jumps. That is all.

    But I still couldn't beat Pat Mohs. Damn it. If only I were better at situps, I could have gotten those 6 more reps.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Jon made up a nasty little number for me:

    300m row
    88# FS
    2pd KB swings
    250m row
    15 hollow rocks

    ouch! if I had done a faster 300, i would've done more weight on the FS but fewer reps. But that wasn't happening. turns out a sub-40 300 is not so easy to achieve.

    This was a great one, though! Miserable, but great.
  7. JennG Says:
  8. I know I'm a coward for not coming in at 9, but really needed to work on some basics and slow things down a little.
    Worked on kipping pull-ups and short box jumps. Trying to get the coordination down. Thanks, Jon, for all the help!
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Loved the workout this morning!!

    Megan McNamara and I partnered up and finished with 4 rounds plus 8 thrusters, 5 rope climbs Rx'd.

    I started with thrusters while Megan ran.

    I love thrusters and these never felt heavy. Rope climbs are getting better for me, but I still need to work on these. I never did any box jumps in this WOD. Megan ran a total of 5 times and I ran 4. She got back just as time was expiring and I was on the descent of the 5th rope climb.

    Great work by everyone this morning......even Duarte who thinks you count reps by 2......Beginning to wonder about him.
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Not a coward, Jenn - smart. It's a good idea to back off and relax if you're feeling stressed and burnt out.

    Duarte probably held back the first 29 minutes so he could sprint the last 2.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Went Rx'd and teamed up with Mike. 4 rounds, 8 thrusters plus 1 rope climb for 109 rounds. 218 using Dan math. Like Shelley said, I never saw box jumps this morning.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Addi!

    I have a deal for you! Teach me how to rope climb more efficiently and Ill ummm teach you how to like sit ups I guess. Or just teach me those rope climbs. I like doing them but I feel like im going too slow and using too much upper body. Since im taller I think this should be something I can get pretty good at!

    Those climbs were the toughest/most time consuming part of this wod, BUT no one part of this wod was easy! Hardest one I've dine since I've been at CFO for my short three months.

    Teamed up with Pingel for this one and he dominated just about everything!

    We got six rounds plus 8 thruster 100% RX! Or 158 reps I think. It felt like we did a lot more. Maybe I forgot to mark a round down or something. When I was that tired I could see myself forgetting to do that.

    Just tried to keep moving and not rest too long. Everyone at 9 am worked hard and did an awesome job.
  17. BC Says:
  18. Everything Addi said, except I did 120# thrusters (not 110#). Don't cheat me out of those 10# Adrienne.
  19. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  20. After Olympic Work...

    Deadlift X15 Reps... Tried 320#
    ... Only Hit 13... Legs Were Tired But I Couldn't Hold On Anymore... Equals 1.68X My Bodyweight... Little Heavier Right Now... 190#
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Don't boss me, Brian. And I didn't know you added the 10#. You never tell me anything.

    Pat, we can definitely have a rope climb party sometime. In the meantime, watch these videos: Carl Paoli is the man.
  23. Kristina Nash Says:
  24. Hey Addi and Pat...mind if I invite myself to your rope climbing party?

  25. Addi Says:
  26. I should be in at noon Tuesday and Thursday. Kristina, you should definitely play with us.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. oh no! I can't come to noon classes anymore. darn.

Thanks For Visiting!