Wednesday 110907

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
3 rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
10 Muscle ups
4 Turkish Get ups, 2/1.5 pood

Read comments for scaling.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

One among many ways to work the progression towards a muscle up. First and foremost, you must have the strength to do strict pull ups and ring dips. If you have neither, you must work the strength to get both and maybe even inquire the use of straight bars for developing your dip strength before moving on to rings. Build applicable strength and work the progressions often and you will get your first muscle up.

The first strength class of the fall begins next Monday, September 12th at 7:30pm and meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (6:30pm). The class runs for 8 weeks. If you are looking to increase strength this is the class for you. There will also be short conditioning workouts provided as well. Click on this link to register (only 8 spots available) Barbell I.

There is no additional cost for this class but it is a swap out for regular classes. During the 8 weeks, you will not have access to regular classes unless you choose to pay an additional cost of doing both which is 1.5 of your monthly dues.

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13 Responses to "Wednesday 110907"

  1. Ricky Frausto Says:
  2. Everyone will get 10 minutes at the beginning of class to play around with muscle up technique and ring dips but for the workout the scaling options are:

    Prescribed muscle ups start with a palms facing completely out, extended arm position for every rep.

    A) If you have muscle ups but cannot do them as described above, do them with bent arms but work in the palms out, extended out position as best as you can.

    B) If you do not have muscle ups but have ring dips, substitute 10 strict pull ups and 10 ring dips per round (no band allowed).

    C) If you do not have ring dips, substitute 20 kipping pull ups or 20 ring rows and 20 diamond push ups with feet elevated if possible (fingers and thumbs touching). Scale to knees if needed.
  3. paul Says:
  4. What a glorious WOD. Wish I could do it! Damn my elbow!
  5. Addi Says:
  6. I'm with Paul. This looks awesome, but I can barely dress myself today after my back's little stunt yesterday. So it will have to wait.
  7. Kristina Nash Says:
  8. Good technique work this morning. I didn't quite get through 2 rounds, had one get up left on each side. I look forward to getting stronger and accomplishing a solid muscle up.

    I wish I could take advantage of the strength class, but my schedule just won't allow for it. Darn it life responsibility getting in the way again:)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Today was tough. I was coming down on my fourth Turkish Get up on the second round as the timer went off. It's very frustrating/motivating and humbling to do a work out that I am NO good at!

    I scaled as far as I could in this WOD and did 10 kipping pull ups, 10 ring rows and 20 diamond push ups which eventually led to using my knees. I also used 1.25 pood for Turkish Get ups. It's inspiring to see people work very hard at the noon class, great job everyone!
  11. tina Says:
  12. 1 round with scaling: 30 attempts (single then double), ring rows (to failure at 17, last 3 had to change the angle and do as singles), trainer KB, and parallelogram pushups to knees after 2. tried to do a diamond, couldn't get off the floor.
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. I scaled the muscle ups to Option B: 10 strict pullups/10 ring dips per round.

    DNF: 1 round plus DU's, 10 pullups, 7 ring dips.

    Turkish getups at 1.5 pd were tough!!

    I did strict pullups in sets of 2 at the very beginning then went to singles.

    Dips were in sets of 2 for first round and all singles in second round.

    Workouts like these definitely showcase my weaknesses.
  15. JonD Says:
  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. JonD Says:
  18. 13:48Rx'd

    Worked on at the top of the muscle up turning my wrists and and keeping myself hollow. Hollow part is hard didn't work too long but still need to focus on it!

    Good skill work today stuff we do not get to do much of which is great!

    September 7, 2011
  19. Pastor Justin Says:
  20. It was great to be back at CFO! I was in town for a seminar and popped into the noon class.

    24 MU's in when the timer went off. I wasnt getting the turnout at the bottom but was trying to stay hollow.

    This was the first time I've done get ups with the 2 pood so I was happy with that.

    It was great seeing everyone at the noon class!
  21. Kelli Says:
  22. great coaching today Ricky. Loved the skill work and progressions.
  23. Crystal Says:
  24. DNF. 2 rounds + 34 double unders

    Scaled muscle ups with 10 strict pullups/10 ring dips.
    Used a 30# dumb bell for TGU's

    Ring Dips were sets of 2 for both rounds. Strict pullups were sets of two 1st round and mixed with 2's and single reps 2nd round. Used dumb bell to really work on technique for Turkish getups. Need to get a lot stronger on these.

    Everything. I hate in one workout and I loved every bit of it today. Great work 6:30!
  25. Tovar Says:
  26. DNF
    Had 2 mu's and 4 turks left at 15 mins. Really tried hard to focus on turkish get up's today and boy did I struggle when trying to do them correctly. I needed to move slower though and work technique otherwise I'll just continue to suck at them. Thanks for the coaching tips Jon.

    Didn't post yesterday. Finished in 16:29. Moved thru the first 4 movements fast and then really slowed down on wall balls. Burpees were at a medium pace. Probably could have pushed a little harder on burpees, especially towards the end. What a terrible workout to come back to after a 3 day weekend.

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