Wednesday 110921

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
21-15-9-9-15-21 reps for time of:
Double Unders
Pull ups

Cut-off is 8 minutes.

Since this is a relatively quick workout, those that haven't quite mastered pull ups (or double unders) should spend the rest of the hour working the movement(s).

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Lauren, Danielle, and Teresa pose for a pic post FGB. If you get the chance please make sure you give Teresa a high five and say good bye as she leaves Omaha for Austin. She has been a tremendous part of this community from the very beginning. Has attended social events, befriended many new members, just an all around asset to CFO.

We wish you all the luck in the world in your new venture. Thanks for everything.

A big reminder to everyone that this Thursday during the 4:30pm class, we will be hosting a free trial Yoga class . If you are interested in trying yoga for the first time or love to do yoga in your spare time, we'd love to see your presence.

Your attendance speaks volumes as to whether the community wishes to keep this class on a permanent basis (scheduled time is flexible).

Any of you that have mats (extras too) please bring them to class. There is no class size limit for this free trial. Thanks and enjoy.

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18 Responses to "Wednesday 110921"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. AWFUL!!!! That's not what I said during the workout, but I can't repeat that here.

    DNF: I had 16 pullups left. Pullups felt off from the beginning and never got better. I'm disappointed because I was thinking sub 6:00 would be good for me and doable. I can't remember when pullups were this bad.
  3. paul Says:
  4. I wish I could attempt this. Maybe soon!
  5. Ricky Frausto Says:
  6. Reminder that if you are planning on attending the free trial yoga class as mentioned on this post please sign up online. There will be no limit to how many can come. You may even want to do yoga and then hit the 5:30 open gym immediately after.

    Remember, go to mindbody and sign up if you are wanting to come. If anything, come and meet CeCe. She is a fantastic person.

    P.S. - You know you need the yoga with your massively immobile body. Get in here.
  7. JonD Says:
  8. Well there was no way in keeping up with Kyle K today but you always need bunny to chase right?

    5:06 Rx'd

    Did the first 21 pull ups in a row and then broke it up from there. Kept moving and just wanted to get it done. Good day to work on two movements that always need work!
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. Since I'm a work in progress on the pull-ups, Amanda suggested I do the jumping pull-ups in order to complete the WOD. So 7:11 jumping pull-ups option A.

    Followed by 200ish air squats and some kipping pull-up work with the bands.

    I have butterfly of these days.
  11. jakeH Says:
  12. 6:04 rx'd

    My grip is shot. Following yesterdays clean/farmer's walk and today's pull ups I will be lucky to be able to write my name. Much more challenging than anticipated.

    Post WOD couple of us did 200 air squats for time. Ouch.

    Nice big noon class. Always a pleasure.
  13. JonD Says:
  14. Im bringing this back up again, but I will challenge Pat, Addi, Paul, Kristina, and whomever else (is that grammatically correct) to an eating contest. You let me know the place and the time, and I will be there. I suggest doughnuts or pizza, but you know its your call.

    Day out!
  15. Shelley Says:
  16. Maybe sub 6 was a little too much to expect, but it should have been a lot better than it was.

    Jon, if it's a pizza eating contest, I'm all over it and bet I would win!!!
  17. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  18. Newly minted part time member of CFO so here's my first post... :)

    Threw a main site and two CFO workouts together...

    Front Squat + Split Jerk - 1RM
    Only Made 265... Disappointing

    Ring Work.. About 30 Mins on Muscle Up Transitions

    DU's and Pull Ups are a strength of mine so decide to make it tougher by doing Tabata Power Cleans With 135# First X 8RDS
    REST 2-3 MINS
    Pull Ups

    Coming to a class soon... haha
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. 6:12 Rx'd. Fun wod. I'm actually starting to like double unders. Now I need to ditch the "pvc pipe" as Jake put it, and get my own rope! Kyle K was just flat out weird on this wod today. Jon D was rockin as well.
  21. Kristina Nash Says:
  22. And the competition gets more intense...

    I can eat alot of donuts. Watch out!
  23. Danny Says:
  24. 7:55 rx'd

    DU's didn't were a lot better for me today. Each round of pull ups was broken into two sets except the rounds of 9.

    Afternoon EWOD

    1 mile TT: 6:15

    5 min rest, followed by

    4x600m (1:30 rest between rounds)- 2:12, 2:18, 2:24, 2:23
  25. Addi Says:
  26. I'll have to be "that girl" and bow out of a gluten contest. I'm competitive, but not that competitive. :)

    Make it meat or butter, and I will crush you.
  27. Kristina Nash Says:
  28. Bacon wrapped gluten-free donuts?
  29. JennG Says:
  30. ONE rep short of completing option A with jumping pull-ups & lateral jumps over parallette (sp?).

    Today was the first day since I joined that I seriously considered not coming because of the WOD. I have been filled with dread and despair before but never considered cancelling. Ended up deciding it was only eight minutes of my life and would regret it if I skipped. Appreciated the scaling options to avoid total system meltdown. Part of me, however, wonders if my bad attitude coming in contributed to the problem. HA!
  31. BigD Says:
  32. Eating contest? Dave hungry.....Dave will crush any takers...
  33. Gdawg Says:
  34. #1 prowler push was way worse than i remember (and it was empty!) knees are KILLING me after ice ice!

    #2 i will crush you all in an ice cream or rib eating contest...bring it on!

  35. Stacie Says:
  36. 7:18 rxd

    Great day to play with my butterfly technique. Definitely do not like to hollow as I butterfly. I never could find a rhythm the entire time... and will go back to the usual scorpion self next butterfly recess. I will, however, use the hollow technique on kipping and strict pullups. It just makes too much sense not to.

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