Rest Day
During the 4:30 class, we will be trying out a session of yoga instead of our normal open gym routine. There will be no limit on the class size but we do ask that you sign up through MindBody. If you are a proponent of the idea but can't make the class for other reasons please know that we will run another opportunity for you to take part.
If you have any questions or comments concerning this opportunity please post them to the comments. If you come and really like the class and wish it to stick around in some capacity please post to comments as well. We want all feedback. If there are other times that would work better for your schedule (during a rest day or other day) post those suggestions to comments as well. I can't guarantee anything but we'll do our best to accommodate as many as we can.
We're excited about this and hope you are too.
30 OHS (44)
30 GH situps (just to parallel)
30 DB push press (20#)
30 box jumps (24")
30 KB swings (1 pd)
30 wall ball (14#)
30 OH lunges (blue plate)
30 DU
Broke up GH situps, box jumps, and lunges, but didn't rest much.
I was hoping to make it to the yoga, but unfortunately I had a conflict come up. I am definitely interested in doing this, though, so I hope this isn't the last opportunity!
Also, Mr. Mike Rock, I have witnessed Jon Day eating a dozen glazed donuts in one sitting. Without even blinking. He's also good for eating an entire pizza by himself. Disgusting, yes, I'm not proud of it, but it's a fact. Beware.
If this “event,” of eating mass quantities of pizza or doughnuts, or my favorite, Pizza and Doughnuts is for real!!! I think you better count me in as well. I will feel like hell the next two weeks but my brain has almost convinced my body it would be worth it!! HA HA…I Love it.
Addi, I will not call you out since I agree that the eating contest of meat would ROCK…however it is hard for me to stomach one of butter, I know that pizza and doughnuts are worse but they taste sooooo much better! I will concede victory to you on the butter.
Doesnt everything have to be a contest! I will go over my books and see when this event will be a good one. Maybe we will make t-shirts.
Any ideas on Event Name? Let me know. I will send out on the blog for people to sign up here in the next couple of weeks and we will get this thing underway.
Great coach I am encouraging people to eat crap food in large quantities. I apologize ahead of time. I will keep you all updated.
We may have different categories for people to participate.
Wing eating, pizza eating, donut eating, maybe even bacon eating, who knows. More people the better.
My vote is for chicken wings. If it's chicken wings then I know Stacie and I are in!
I'm up for yoga again... but count me out on any eating contest. But I would be gladly be available for judging.
This "food challenge" is a riot! I would love to watch this one!!!
Played around with some gymnastics stuff tonight. GWOD was a little vague today, so thank you Joe for giving me something different to work on. I know there are lots of skills that need work, but it's kinda fun to add something new once in a while. And I needed a little fun this week! Looking forward to trying out the yoga, as I've heard nothing but good things about it.
I want in on the wings category!!!!
Or ribs. I will tear up some ribs.
You had me at "Bacon eating". Wings, pizza, donuts, ribs, burgers, steak,... don't matter. Count me in.
I'm so not great at eating wings or ribs, but heck it will be a blast win or lose.
I'm in.