Tuesday 110920

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 Power Cleans, 185#/126#
2/1.5 pood Farmer's Walk, 50 yards

The cleans cannot pass through a squat at any time during the workout or the rep will not count. For the farmer's walks, you must walk and cannot run, in any form, at any time or the trip will start over.

Scale as necessary. If the prescribed weight for cleans is not used, the prescribed weight for farmer's walks may not be used either.

Post total rounds plus reps (incomplete walks do not count) to comments/Logwod.

From one 6am'er to another. John Calhoun counts FGB reps for Brian Brown. These two guys are some accountable athletes. Always there in the morning. Keep leading the group guys.

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15 Responses to "Tuesday 110920"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. I predict that, unless Wednesday is 1RM TGU paired with Max Reps Bacon Eating, this will be my favorite workout this week. Can't wait.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Yeah right Addi. You and I both know you are hoping for one rep max weighted sit ups paired with the hair spike/mirror check!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. 8 rds plus 1 PC Rx'd.

    PC's felt good today, and my pace throughout this workout stayed pretty much the same. Beginning with 4th round of farmer's walk, I set the KB's down at the halfway mark for a couple seconds to shake my arms out before continuing on.

    Great job once again 6 a.m.!!
  7. Kat Says:
  8. I wish i was there for this wod! miss you guys! addi, i always enjoy reading your witty lil posts, keep em coming!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Pat, that's my morning warm-up.. Never leave home without making sure the shades are lined up with the headband. And I need to make sure my abz is looking oood.
  11. Addi Says:
  12. 8 rounds + 3 power cleans. Except that I'm pretty sure it was 9 rounds + 3. But Christina said she got 9 1/2 rounds, and I know she lapped me. And Jon Day got 8 + 3, but I'm pretty sure I lapped him. So now I don't know what to think...

    Either way, it was fun, and way better than abmats and hair gel.

    See you in a few weeks, Kat!!
  13. Kristina Nash Says:
  14. 9 rounds + 5 power cleans at 82# and 1 pd walks.

    Addi, I'm positive you did 9 + 3 rounds. Last week Jon tried to gyp me out of a set of behind the neck jerks, so I'm thinking maybe he has his own way of counting:)

    Either way, fun workout. I just kept moving. Although I need to work on releasing my grip. I don't let go and let the bar come to my fingers.
  15. JonD Says:
  16. Who is lapping who here, and who is gyping who out of reps. I just do work ladies and maybe my counting is off but there is only one person to blame for not keeping track of their reps. That is Amanda Brei she should be keeping track of everyone's reps, I get confused when I workout she is to blame!!! ;). j/k Amanda.

    Great workout today people great Noon class! Kristina you were hauling a** in todays workout so I think 9 sounds right. Addi more like 6 sounds right for you.

    8 rounds plus 3 PC today, tough one but good grip work. Addi if there is max reps bacon eating tomorrow you better watch yourself around me!
  17. paul Says:
  18. I will definitely bet 30 burpee pullups on any sort of protein/fat eating competition.

    I did this rx'ed, which was hugely exciting because I haven't done PCs since I f'ed up my elbow.

    8 rds rx'ed. had time for a few more reps, but with a tear on my RH, I figured I'd done enough.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. okay with all this lapping talk and what not... bottom line, Jon Day you are welcom to come by my math class any day of the week and learn some standard addition. The tuition is pricey, but I'll see if I can get you a good deal, although you might be a little bigger than those eighth graders.

    And Addi, I'm sorry, but all I know is abmats and hair gel, oh and double unders!

    Jon, don't talk trash about food! I'm still waiting on the last "bet" you confidently agreed to, then cowardly backed out of!
  21. Addi Says:
  22. I will throw down on bacon, eggs, wings, brats, and/or Jason's Deli chocolate mousse any day.
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Also, sorry for misspelling your name, Kristina. :)
  25. Kristina Nash Says:
  26. I'm in for an eating WOD too!! Max crispy bacon out. I may not go Rx'd with my weight, but I can guarantee I will go way above RX with bacon eating:)

    Thanks Jon. The faster the walk, the less time carrying those heavy KBs.

    No worries Addi. Like counting, spelling can be tricky;)
  27. Danny Says:
  28. Morning:
    7 rds + 5 cleans... i think. i lost count somewhere in the middle but im pretty sure this is correct

    Rows- 10x 30sec at max effort, resting 2:00 between sets

    Felt good in both work outs. Finally recovered from that 10k
  29. Stacie Says:
  30. 9 rds + 1 PC @ 129#

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