Saturday 110917

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"Fight Gone Bad"
Three rounds of:
Wall Ball, 20#/14# ball, 10ft target (reps)
Sumo Dead lift High-Pull, 75#/55# (reps)
Box Jumps, 20 inch box (reps)
Push Press, 75#/55# (reps)
Row (calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Add your points and post them to comments/Logwod.

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16 Responses to "Saturday 110917"

  1. Allison H :) Says:
  2. Great seeing everybody!

    After not doing crossfit for a month this was way brutal!
    Thanks to CFO for setting all this up and all the volunteers who helped out today.
    Wish I could have stayed and enjoyed beer and chatting but had to come home to study and leave for SD again in the morning, sad times...
    I am happy I got to be a part of yet another wonderful year of FGB! Everybody gave it their all! Miss and love CFO! <3
  3. BigD Says:
  4. 253 points. A 4 point jump from last year, but nowhere near what I was shooting for. Something for me to work on. Great seeing such a huge turn out! Great job to all who set this up, Jon in particular. Congrats to the winners and awesome job to all who competed. My commander had a blast and was impressed by everyone's hard work. Might have got us a new member
  5. paul Says:
  6. Great effort by everyone, as always!!

    347 (which I am calling a PR). Got 321 last year rx'ed. This year scaled WB to goblet squats (1.5pd KB), 1.5pd KB swings instead of SDLHP, and 1-arm 1pd KB push press. Still pretty tough, but I picked smart numbers for rd 1 and then just maintained it.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. 310 - Not a PR, but better than last year, and MUCH better than I was expecting after my week off and general laziness as of late. My rowing was better than it’s ever been in this workout, but everything else felt like a slow, painful death. I just felt tired and slow the whole time, especially on the box jumps. Lots of step-ups, and as I was reminded relentlessly, they were “NOT FAST ENOUGH!!!” Thanks for getting in my face - got me at least 20 more points than I would have otherwise.

    Glad I don’t have to do this again for a year. Really. Really. Glad.

    Great job organizing, JonDay!! Fantastic time, even with (or maybe a little because of??) the crappy weather.
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. 314 which is a PR (old best was 292)

    Everyone did a great job, and it was well organized.

    I felt awful when this one was over, and it took me a bit before I felt recovered. Like Addi said, I'm glad I don't have to do this again for another year.
  11. JonD Says:
  12. Im so glad everyone had a great time the weather was not the greatest but I did not hear one complaint about it. You guys are amazing and the community we have is second to none!

    Thanks everyone for that good comments, and I just want to thank everyone who showed up early to set up, stayed late to set down, and all the counters we had this year!

    Also thanks to Colette from Arbonne for coming out. She is really great and hope we can continue to do event together!

    Thanks to Nick P. and his crew for coming out and showing us Proven Nutrition! 20% for all CFO Members!

    Last I want to Thank Rick, Joe and Amanda for helping me with everything! Also my wife as well dealing with my stress leading up to the event.

    Could't have done it without all you guys thanks so much!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Jon Day, super awesome event. Ran smoothly, was really fun, and had a great turn out.

    As I just said, I had a blast, and as everyone else has said, am happy I don't have to do this for another year!

    I couldn't believe how many people showed up, that was awesome.

    Wish I would have pushed myself just a tiny bit harder to get two more reps! (specifically box jumps and rowing) BUT, I shouldn't complain considering how much fun I had and the fact that I didn't slip while doing box jumps, so I won't!

    All the judges, coaches, members, and guests made this a super enjoyable event. Even though it has only been for a few months, I sure am happy to be a member of this gym!

    Great job and thanks again Jon!
  15. Danny Says:
  16. I agree with what everyone else has said, nicely done Jon! Great event and we got to raise some money for some pretty worthy causes.
  17. jakeH Says:
  18. Probably my least favorite workout of all time, but I am glad to have participated. Its nice to get a chance to see people I don't normally get to during regular classes.

    Thanks Jon for counting and keeping the high standards. I definitely earned every rep.

    Nice job Pat. Very impressive number even with a injured limb.
  19. Tovar Says:
  20. Great weekend of working out and a lot of steppping outside of my comfort zone between the dreaded, FGB competition yesterday, and the Corporate Cup 10k run this morning.

    Big shout out to Jon Day and the CFO crew for the amazing Fight Gone Bad 6 event yesterday! The set up was sweet, the dj was awesome, and the athletes were amazing to watch. Thanks to all the volunteers and job well done to all the participants!

    Also had a fun time running in the Corporate Cup this morning alongside several of CFO's finest. Good job and congratulations to all those that took on the challenge! For me it was a first and I'm glad I did it. Thanks to Josh, Addi, Ricky, and Teagan for coming out to watch and show your support. And way to go Damian!

    Now for the shit talking.....

    I would also like to give a big shout out to Jon Day for signing up for the Corporate Cup and then not showing up. Why don't we copy and past Jon's post from Monday..... "Well I have decided to listen to my own words and sign up for the Corporate Cup. I know its gonna hurt I know its gonna suck but you know I would not be doing what I preach if I did not sign up. So I hope to finish just finish people and finish hopefully under a hour. Yes under a hour this is my weakest part of my fitness so I challenge everyone else join the Team CFO and go through the pain with me, I will be the one dragging in the back!" Well I think that's enough said.

    And last but not least I have to give another big shout out to Joe Westerland for talking shit to the Tovar's about not wanting to run in the Corparate Cup, b/c initially we had no intention on doing so, and then not having the balls to do it himself along with every other workout that we ever do. Way to go Coach Joe and nice seeing you in the trenches!

    All in all a great weekend! Now time for a much deserved margarita and a nice long nap.
  21. paul Says:
  22. HA! remind me not to piss off Tovar.
  23. JenD Says:
  24. I can vouch for the fact that Jon and myself both weren't feeling well last night, and felt even worse this morning. If you want to point fingers, point yours at me because I told him to let himself rest. He has been working himself into the ground, especially lately with all of the stuff for FGB. I would advise you to try biting your tongue next time. Just a thought.

  25. Tovar Says:
  26. I would just like to point out that I did not mean to offend anyone with my previous post. I was simply having fun talking shit to two people that I love and respect very much. I know that without our coaches I would not be where I am at today when it comes to my fitness. I apologize if I offended anyone. Like I said it was just me being me and meant to be all in fun. Please don't take it personal.

    Boys will be boys I guess.
  27. lynn Says:
  28. So glad I was able to participate this year. What a great time and a killer workout. I can't wait to participate next year now that I have a number to beat. Jon D, you did a great job putting this together and for such a great cause! CFO truly has some amazing athletes and people!
  29. Joe W Says:
  30. 1.
    little man syndrome
    A man, small in stature, who attempts to overcome the way he believes other people perceive him (as a diminuative character) by 1) attaching himself to authority figures, 2) trying to manipulate himself into positions of control, 3) migrating toward positions of leadership, and 4) having a fairly volatile temper.
    I had a boss with little man syndrome and besides never being able to please him, he always had to prove he was better than anyone else!

    Little man syndrome
    Condition whereby undersized men compensate for their smallness by physically asserting their presence.
    That Puerto Rican just freaked on me when I stepped on his puma—he’s got a bad case of little man syndrome.
    Little man syndrome
    When a small man feels the need to out do a normal size man in order to feel bigger then he is.
    Boy Chris really has little man syndrome today. He feels he needs to drink more then everyone else.
    Little Man Syndrome
    When a man of short stature feels insecure and as a result feels the need to belittle and offend others to make himself feel proud.
    When a small man (with little man syndrome) greets you with: "Oh still feeling ill? By the looks of you, its pretty obvious!" (or something similar)
    little man syndrome
    When a guy is short and has an attitude problem because he is bitter at society for looking down on short guys.
    Damn, I just got rejected by the bouncer that I was a lot taller than at the bar, he must have had a bad case or little man syndrome.
    little man syndrome
    When a guy's short, but to compensate for his vertical challenge feels the need to be able to beat the shit out of all.
    Yo lil Joe's only 5'4", but that mothafucka beat the shit outta Jose. Jose's fuckin' 6'1"! Now that's fuckin little man syndrome!
  31. jakeH Says:
  32. our blog is the best. grrrrrrr.

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