Friday 110916

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
3 rounds for quality:
Hands on the Floor L-Sit, 60 seconds
15 Strict Pull ups (touch collarbone)

For the L-Sit, you must accumulate a total of 60 seconds where both your hips and feet are off the floor at the same time. The set can be broken up but you must hold yourself accountable. As mentioned above, you must touch your collarbone for a pull up to count.

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4 Responses to "Friday 110916"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. Corp Cup runners-
    If you've signed up for team CFO, I have your bibs and timing chips- I'll bring them to FGB tmrw. If I don't see you there, I'll have them with me on Sunday morning at 8 am at the Wintergarden in the First National Bank Tower at 17th and Dodge.

    Good luck this weekend.
  3. Kristina Nash Says:
  4. Loving all this gymnastics stuff. You are only as strong as your weakest link...I found mine!

    Time to work it!

    Fight Gone Bad tomorrow is going to be a blast.

    If anyone is interested in Arbonne products with profits going to fight gone bad, let me know. Lots of skin care products and wellness stuff like protein shakes and energy tabs.

    See you all in the morning!
    Kristina Nash

    Oh, and I have a seeded pass to the corporate cup that I'm not going to be able to use. If someone wants to use it let me know.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. DNF - stopped at 2 rounds. Much further than I expected - the L-sits went better than I thought they would, probably thanks to that mobility work before. Good stuff.

    I'm also loving the gymnastics work lately - I've been seeing good improvements even with my injuries since August - partly because of the programming and partly from playing around with it before and after classes. I can also see it carrying over into other movements. Love it.
  7. paul Says:
  8. DNF! That was humbling. I was shooting for 10s L-sits, but even that was very hard. did 1 rd of pullups and 2 rds of L-sits.

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