Friday 110930

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
2/1.5 pood Kettlebell Swings, 150 reps

Anytime you must put the bell down reward yourself with 30 double unders and a 200 meter run.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Some ideas on how to program mobility wods into your training.

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16 Responses to "Friday 110930"

  1. Shane Says:
  2. Holy crap.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. This is bad-ass.

    Josh called it "heaven in a bucket."

    Looking forward to not being able to lift my arms all weekend.
  5. paul Says:
  6. It is about as badass as anything could be without being a DL, squat, or clean.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. 19:45 Rx'd.

    I got to "reward" myself 6 times with DU's and the run.

    I broke up swings 30/25/20/20/20/17/18.

    Great job 6 a.m.!! This was a tough workout!
  9. paul Says:
  10. when i got all excited about this, I hadn't read the part about the DUs and 200s. That made it a touch harder than I was anticipating.

    DNF, 135 reps in 20 min. 25, 25, 25, 20, 20, 20. Got in from a 200 on the buzzer with 15 reps to go, so I just did them and finished in 20:54.
  11. Natalie Says:
  12. Nearly had to drive home using my forehead to steer. Good times.
  13. BigD Says:
  14. 17:40 subbing 400m rows for the DUs and runs. Thank Jon for working with me to find something that didn't kill my gimp knee.
    Good stuff at 5AM!
  15. jakeH Says:
  16. 13:11 rx'd

    I was trying to think of a way to keep kettlebell off the ground while resting but Jon said, "if the kettlebell isn't moving, then you are."

    Had to break up swings 67, 35, 30, 18. Curious to see how I will feel tomorrow.
  17. jakeH Says:
  18. 13:11 rx'd

    I was trying to think of a way to keep kettlebell off the ground while resting but Jon said, "if the kettlebell isn't moving, then you are."

    Had to break up swings 67, 35, 30, 18. Curious to see how I will feel tomorrow.
  19. paul Says:
  20. holy $h!t, Jake! that's amazing.
  21. JennG Says:
  22. 14:50 scaled to 1pd


    I chickened out on the weight because I was afraid of the double unders. I think I am more disappointed in myself than if I had DNF'd with more weight. Grrr...
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Jenn - don't be too hard on yourself! Still a hard workout, and a badass time. You just don't give yourself enough credit for your strengths. And now you know. :)

    DNF - 136 reps and 30 DUs at 20:00... well, actually at 19:57, but I was in no mood to head out for the run with 3 seconds left. I knew this would be rough, but I fully expected to finish in time. I've leaned out quite a bit this summer, which has helped me out in a lot of areas, but heavy kettlebell swings is NOT one of them.
  25. jakeH Says:
  26. thanks paul, but my hands are feeling a bit geriatric. May not have been the best decision, but Kyle K was there and I thought maybe I had a chance to beat him for once.
  27. Kristina Nash Says:
  28. DNF, 126 swings with 1.25 pd/1pd. I'm sure I could have finished with 1pd so I started out with a heavier weight. This was tough, my shoulders and forearms are still trapping it.
  29. Kristina Nash Says:
  30. Feeling it, not trapping it...silly iPhone auto correct.
  31. Jess Says:
  32. 14:35 using a trainer and doing SUs instead of DUs

    I broke the KB swings up in 65, 35, 30 and 20 so I had to run 3 times.

    Great job 6am!


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