7 rounds for time of:
10 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
10 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Okay, give me your thoughts on the softball throw. Good test of fitness or probably shouldn't have been there? There is no right or wrong answer so let us know what's on your mind.
Stacie looks very athletic, though, and we all know how fit she is!
Today's workout reflected the last two days of drinks, poor eating, and lack of sleep as well as yesterday's KB swings. Felt lime crap. 7:30.
I played around today, testing out my elbow. Ended up doing
3 rds
5 hang squat snatches (88)
10 DB bench press (50# DBs)
untimed, about 5 min. Good fun, but the bench did get hard by the end.
As for the softball throw...I guess I don't get it. If Crossfit is the sport of fitness, I don't understand what exactly this measures. There are a lot of very unfit people who can throw a softball and a lot of very fit people who can't...as evidenced at the games.
If we are trying to find the fittest people on the planet, a softball throw seems a little irrelevant & just a little insulting to the men and women who spent months preparing for the games.
New Training Cycle...
Tall Snatch - 155X1 (Max)
Snatch - 90-93% of my 2RM (204#)
185, 185, 190...
Deadlift.. No more 5/3/1 - 3X5 (80-83%1RM) - All Dropped - 286-306#
Played Off Tabata Something Else.. 8RDS EA (Going For Max Reps)
#1 - 12' Rope Climb (Jump Up Permitted) - 18 Total Climbs
#2 - Hand Release Push Ups
- 81 Total Reps (Hate Push Ups)
#3 - GH Sit Ups
- 54 Total Reps
#4 - 12" Box Alternating Pistols
- 70 Total (35 Ea Leg)
223 Total Reps
Friday 21:00, I hate Swings! Did 50 in a row.
Today. 20min of 406# prowler push outside. About 25 yards. 8 tire flips and 5 rope climbs
3 rounds plus PPush tire flips and 1 rope climb
Softball throw, why not if your an athlete you should be able to throw right?
Worked Muscle Up Transition
DB Press 1-1-1-1-1-1
- 70's
DB Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
- 80's... Couldnt clean the 85's
Muscle Ups (No Misses)
Heavy DB Swings (Must start 90# +)
Not For Time But Muscle Up Quality & Max Weight On Swings, But Must Hold TWO DB's For The Swings
- Hit 110# (45's 10-7 50's 6-4, 55's 3-1)