5 rounds for time of:
8 Pistols, right leg
8 Dead-lifts, 308#/209#
8 Pistols, left leg
8 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Game Time, by SICFIT
You want more competitions? You got them. Impromptu competition next Thursday night (September 1st) at 7:30pm, in the gym. Be there or be square. Let's fill the gym up. Be there to compete or be there to support but YOU better be there.
Big fat DNF on this one, and thats all I'm going to say.
Don't think I can make it next Thursday, have to work.
Ricky, is there going to be a given day that these are on or time period? Or will it kind of just vary?
Just curious.
DNF. 4 full rds with assisted pistols. otherwise rx'ed. getting closer and closer with pistols. I was happy to see them in a WOD again!
24:50 yesterday, scaled to 1.5pd swings and ball slams. So I think I owe a 1200.
Small victory for me today as I could do pistols without my heel coming up (weightlifting shoes help with that). I look forward to the day when I can rep these out like they were air squats :)Right now, they are slow. Right leg is easier for me than my left, and I had to redo 2 reps on my left leg, one each in rounds 3 and 4.
Deadlifts and swings felt strong/solid. I didn't go super fast, but I never felt like they got heavy even in later rounds.
Great job 6 a.m.!!
Count me in for next Thursday night as well.
i liked this workout..need to get to be able to Rx the DL.
Today: DNF!
Ego went out the door today. I need to work on DL so I scaled to #286. I finished the workout 15 something just cuz I wanted to finish. I had 4 pistols and Swings left to complete the workout.
This one was really hard for me and I am glad I scaled because this is a huge weakness for me. So instead of going heavier and slower and tried to go heavy and get close to finishing.
Good luck everyone and always learning right!
This was a fun one! DL are one of my favorite movements.
Great job 430! It was hot in there!
Hopefully I can walk tomorrow, haha!
4 rds in 16:15. Did my first set of DL at 286# and then went down to 242#. Did 2 rds of pistols with 20# held in front and then negatives for the last 2. DL and pistols are definitely two weaknesses I need work on.
I won't be able to make the Thursday competition, I have a night class in Lincoln. Count me in for the corporate cup though!
Used 286 and switched to 264 a few reps into rd 4. Cruised thru first 3 rds and then hips and low back started to fatigue. It was like I hit a wall on deadlifts. Last two rds took forever. F'in deadlifts! Got to get better.