Tuesday 110823

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
10 rounds for time of:
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds

30 minute cut-off.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24, of Troy, Illinois, assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Riley, Kansas, was killed on January 3, 2010, by an improvised explosive device in Zhari district, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Tiffany, daughter Chloe, parents Gary and Paula, and brother Ryan.

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39 Responses to "Tuesday 110823"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Great work, 6am!

    For the sake of the bet, I won't post my time--i'll just say that I scaled to 1.5pd swings and ball slams...and finished. Of course, that's a very different workout from PU and burpees. But I'm prepared to make up the difference with a little 1200m run.
  3. BC Says:
  4. DNF, 9 rounds Rx'd. DNF's suck, but I have to admit that I'm somewhat surprised (and pleased) that I made it as far as I did. Pullups were unbroken till round 5, then it was either 5/5 or 6/4. Burpees were unbroken, but slow, with a few stepdowns mixed in. Nice work 6am!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. 28:40 Rx'd.

    Pullups felt awesome!! I broke up in sets of 5 through first 4 rounds then each round after I did 5 then either 3/2 or even 3/1/1 or 2/1/1/1. I got right back on the bar every time I came off. I didn't pause/rest on burpees and the sprints were more of a fast jog, but I kept moving. I think my pace was pretty consistent throughout which I think is key on this one.

    Great job 6 a.m.!!
  7. BigD Says:
  8. 8 rounds right at the 30 minute mark, RX'd. Started a little slow but kicked it up at the end. Nice job 5AM!
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. I already miss cfo! :(
  11. Addi Says:
  12. I want in on the throwdown! Might have to go with 1-armed burpees to save my wrist. Does that count as super-prescribed? :)
  13. tina Says:
  14. finished 10 rounds with 4 negs...fatigued by round 8 to where i couldn't quite hold the neutral above the bar before starting the negs..reduced to a slow jog after round 5.. working towards being able do the PU as well as sprint all ten. tough one in this heat but a good one!
  15. Jen Says:
  16. YUK. This was tough. 28:52 rx'd. I only broke up two sets of pullups into 8's and 2's. Burpees were unbroken so that tells you how SLOW my "sprint" was. I need to work on running.
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. 23:15 rx'd. Hot and sh###y.
  19. JonD Says:
  20. Your in Addi, love it.

    1200m run for the loser Addi!

    Well Ill let you know what I got and everyone else in the throwdown write it down on the blog tomorrow! Good luck!

    Tough one bring your no surrender pants today!
  21. jakeH Says:
  22. 22:03 rx'd

    All PUs unbroken and burpees as fast as I could.
    Rough one today. The heat made things interesting. Good idea to bring gloves today.

    I thought Pat already took that 1200m run, or is this throw down penalty for each class?
  23. Ricky Frausto Says:
  24. Jake,

    I heard you didn't fully rest the whole 30 seconds for some of your rounds, is this true?
  25. jakeH Says:
  26. I did my best to watch the clock and follow rules accordingly. During tough workouts like this I don't know where I am half the time and things get confusing.

    Was pretty much chasing Jon and Nick P the whole time, with Pat right behind me. We all kept a similar pace until the end when fatigue set in.

    In addition, whoever you heard that from should have probably said something to me during the workout. I find it hard to believe that any of the staff would miss an opportunity to call someone out.
  27. Unknown Says:
  28. It's all good, #justsayin.
  29. lynn Says:
  30. 10 rounds in 29:59. One whole second to spare. However I did 4 negatives vs. 10 pull ups. Once I get these pull ups I'd like to repeat this workout to see how I fare.
  31. JonD Says:
  32. Jake - I would never miss an opportunity to call you out! I was just trying not to let you beat me today!
  33. Eric C Says:
  34. Fun? Not so much....

    27:14 rx'd

    I wouldn't recommend doing this with ANY food in your stomach. The last 3 rounds of burpees and smashing your stomach on the floor really made me want to get sick. Bad. At it had been 2 hours since I ate. Maybe it was to workout, maybe not. No fun trying to keep that down.

    Crazy good job to Nick and Pat and Hinkle and JonD and everyone else who somehow managed to finish.

  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I can admit when I loose, and Jon Day had my number on this workout. I went all in since it had a lot of running and I figured I could win!

    Anyways, nice work Jon and the rest of the noon class, I'll catch you one of these days.

    Tried my absolute best to get my chin over the bar for each pull up and have no "butterfly affect", and I think I got completely up and down for all my burpees.

    Towards the later rounds I was wishing for about a minute rest, by the time you get a drink 30 seconds is about over!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. And I would have been quicker had Jake not done his burpees right where we entered at!!!!
  39. Unknown Says:
  40. This workout has flat out ruined my day. That run back from the curb with no breeze was all heart. I love the noon class. Lots of great athletes in there and nobody wants to lose.
  41. Jess Says:
  42. 27:54 doing kettle bell swings (trainer) and ball slams (12# ball) instead of pullups and burpees

    Try as I might, I just couldn't catch Paul though! Dang him.

    Awesome job 6am peeps and to Shelley for being the only one who finsihed it Rxd this morning. She is a machine.

  43. Steve Says:
  44. This WOD ruined me... DNF. And I've got a dozen excuses, but none of them matter. I'd like to try this one again when it cools off. Hate to DNF on a hero workout.
  45. Kelli Says:
  46. Definitely hot. I took this easy only bc I am a week and a half away from Nationals. DNF of course :-)
  47. Kristina Nash Says:
  48. 29:53, phew, just barely made it. I did 2-3 kips, and 2 negatives instead of pull-ups. One of these days I'll breeze through 10 hopefully butterfly style. There are some killer athletes in the noon class and seeing them do the pull-ups with ease is inspiring!

    My goal was to keep moving and for the most part I did. I did my best to get as high as I could on my kipping pull-ups/attempts, they are getting better every day! It is so fun to do things you never thought was possible.

    Yes, it was hot, but damn I love the heat! Getting a good sweat in makes my day.

    Good work nooners!!
  49. ZachR Says:
  50. I was hoping for sub 25:00 but fell a little short.


    I am still very happy with this time because this WOD was brutal. I honestly almost quit after the 5th round. Kudos to everyone who came in today and gave this WOD everything they had. Shows a lot of heart.
  51. jakeH Says:
  52. Rick,

    I am not familiar with the blogger term #justsayin. Just saying what? Is this a re-buttal to solidify the fact that I am a potential time shaver?

    I can't think of one person who @ some point in time has miscounted, embellished, and or failed to correctly complete full range of motion of reps or time, including you.

    I guess I am slightly irritated by this comment because not 1 hour before it was posted I was in your office talking to you.

    I am all for constructive criticism, but believe there is a time and a place for this. In class calling no rep is one thing, but posting on a public forum that you "heard" and didn't witness is entirely another.

    I'm #justsayin we are all here to push each other, have fun, and not put people on blast (jersey shore terminology).
  53. JennG Says:
  54. DNF - 5 burpees shy of 9 rounds, scaled with frackin' &#**@%!$ ring-rows instead of pull-ups or negatives or whatever it is that the cool people do. AAAHHH!!! Really wanted to be mad about this, but was distracted by the fact that I really wanted to hurl.
  55. Ricky Frausto Says:
  56. Whoa dude,

    That term did not mean what you think it meant. I was merely stating that there were voices who mentioned that you may have cut your rest short.

    #justsayin is a twitter hashtag and nothing else. It meant no harm. I didn't accuse you of anything, only asked. That is why I said, It's all good.

    Sorry if you thought it meant more but in the end, it's just a workout.

    Also, if not in a public forum, where? If you didn't do anything wrong, no worries, right?
  57. Danny Says:
  58. 23:35 rx'd

    Did all pull ups unbroken and just tried to keep moving as fast as I could on burpees. Tough workout, but I love em. I will hit my 1200m tomorrow for a little throwdown punishment.
  59. Egan Says:
  60. Can't we all just be friends!! Last time I checked this blog is for posting our results, as well as having a bit of fun at each others expense. Stuff happens but it is all good in the end....I am just saying........(:

    Good Times had by all!!!

    I was not in the throw down since I forgot to post but at 25:18 I will do the 1200 meters, as my father would build character!
  61. Addi Says:
  62. Wasn't going to put up my time until tomorrow, per the throwdown rules, but since the noon boys did, I will, too.

    27:26 rx'd (only 1 rd 1-armed, then decided I'd rather have my hand hurt)

    I was just happy to finish - lots of sweat, quitter-thoughts, and more than a little pants-peeing. Plus one restroom run. This was really tough for me. Had 6 or so rds unbroken on pullups, and my last round of burpees might have been my fastest. Small victories.

    Only problem is, I don't know Pat's time! So I don't know if I owe a run or not.

    In any case, awesome work, 6:30 class. The energy was great, and Egan and the Tovars left us all in the dust. Congrats to Danielle for cranking out the last round of burpees in time!
  63. Hira Says:
  64. Did this in the hospital's basement gym..,I miss CFO!!!
  65. Paula Says:
  66. Hira, it funny you say that....I have been doing some of the CFO wods in my hospital gym as well. Either during my lunch hour/half hour if I even get one or if we have an hour or two in between cases. Next week I'm going to start doing one of the "girls" 5-6 days a week (that sounds kinda bad, Ha) to help say in "crossfit shape" for when I return...Karen, Nancy, Jackie, Annie, Barbara, Helen, and Fran. I will have to modify a bit with equipment on some. I miss CFO as well. I will see ya all for FGB!! Can't wait!!
  67. Anonymous Says:
  68. Well since it seems like everyone has put their time up I might as well not keep Addi on the edge of her seat any longer!


    Really, REALLY wanted to go faster, but I felt like the pull ups and burpees went well, should of just ran a little faster.

    After this I ran that 1200 in the afternoon heat. It was awful.

    Since school officially starts for me tomorrow I will be at the 5 am class or one of the evening classes.

    I'll miss the noon class!
  69. Addi Says:
  70. I'll hit my 1200 in the morning. I'd say I'm looking forward to it, but we all know better!
  71. Joe H Says:
  72. 27:22 on this one. I took Zach R's advice and thank God I did. barely jogged to the curb and back but did the pullups, burpees and rest unbroken. Thanks again Zach for the help on this one. If you hadn't spoke up I would have been sprinting to the curb and back everytime and resting in the middle of the burpees.

    That was the biggest 5:30 class i have ever seen. Must have been 25-30 people in there. I love it. Thoughts on that. I know its a long WOD and a good workout but why doesn't that same attendance show up for deadlift, or overhead squat days?
  73. Tovar Says:
  74. 19:05

    I don't think I have pushed myself that hard in a long time. I made a decision after round 5 that I was going to try and maintain the cushion I had built and try and finish under 20 mins. Not sure what got into me but I was able to maintain pace.

    What's funny is the whole time I was holding a pace that I thought would put me between 19:30 and 19:40 never taking into consideration there was no 30 sec rest after round 10. Silly me I never realized until I called time! Maybe I could have backed off a bit and kept my head from feeling like it was going to explode from overheating.

    Tough stuff today by everyone... especially bangin this out in the heat!
  75. Tovar Says:
  76. This comment has been removed by the author.
  77. hannah eileen Says:
  78. that wod SUCKED. I felt awful all night and have never been happier that my sand volleyball games were canceled. I could barely move, let alone try and play somewhat competitively. (insert excuse here) so I only did 5 pullups/rd. I still didn't finish until 29:01 and felt like I was going to die/hurl/pass the f out. That HUGE 5:30 class was awesome! It is so much fun to work out with that large of a group all suffering through the same thing. Great work, yall!

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