Friday 110805

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"CrossFit Disco" (courtesy of CFFootball)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Power Clean
Pull ups

Prescribed load for this workout is 75% of body-weight. If you aren't able to to do 75%, choose from:
88#/64# or

15 minute cut-off.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Danielle and Damian at the CrossFit Games.

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15 Responses to "Friday 110805"

  1. Erica Says:
  2. This workout sounds fun!!!! Dang, I miss the gym.... 3 more weeks, and I'll be back in Omaha :)
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. BW = 190 so 75% = 142.5

    I decided to go ahead and do 154, so it was a little over 80% of my BW.

    Finished in 9:25 This was a fun, but tough one. Broke up about half the sets of cleans, but did all pull ups unbroken.

    Nice work 5 am! Nice to see Joe come coach a 5 am class as always he was very helpful!
  5. paul Says:
  6. 13:06 rx'ed (154). tough one, but i probably paced it too much. I love me some power cleans, though!
  7. Jess Says:
  8. 9:39 using 63# and doing jumping pull-ups

    Great job 6am!

  9. Unknown Says:
  10. I don't know what I like more...the name or the wod. I'm ready for this one!
  11. Unknown Says:
  12. Used 154#. that's a little over 75%. Did this in 8:53 Rx'd. Lots o fun
  13. jakeH Says:
  14. 8:09 or 8:07 Rx'd + cant remember.

    Used 154 (75% of bw would have been 142) couldn't let Pat M show me up.

    Went pretty well considering my hands are still sore from Wednesday's T2B. I decided to use reverse grip on the pull ups and normal on the cleans. I think this really saved my grip.
  15. Kristina Nash Says:
  16. 77# for cleans and jumping pull-ups.
    I'll be working on my kips next Thursday...

    11:58 for time.

    That's progress for me, i'd say.

    Fun group this morning at 5, it was nice to see Joe bright and early!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Well I guess I'm glad to see I started a trend Jake! I'll need to continue to step my power clean game up! Its tough to get that noon energy at 5 am!
  19. Shelley Says:
  20. 9:45 Rx'd @ 119# (body weight was 156# this am.)

    I broke up everything from the beginning. I did touch and go on cleans in sets of 6/4 and 5/4 and then it was all sets of 3 or 2 after that. I also broke up pullups similarly to cleans.
  21. Tovar Says:
  22. Used 154lbs for cleans also which is bodyweight for me. Needed a good grinder to end the week with.

    Finished in 9:04.

    Was hoping to keep pace with Jake but my grip didn't allow me to do consecutive cleans for very long.
  23. Steve Says:
  24. 14:20 rx'd, about 2 minutes of that was spent chalking up.
  25. Steve Says:
  26. Rx'd for me is 132.
  27. Danny Says:
  28. 12:47 @ 154# (88% of my bodyweight)

    Had a pretty steady pace for cleans, pull-ups were tougher than normal because my hands were pretty tore up from wednesday.
  29. Shane Says:
  30. 13:25 @ 154. Hands tore the heck up on this one.

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