Wednesday 110713

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds for time of:
12 Dead-lifts, 154#/104#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 154#/104#
6 Push Jerks, 154#/104#

There is a 12 minute cut-off to this workout.

Kyle Kasperbauer 6:29. Stacie Tovar 6:36 (109#). Ricky Frausto 6:51. Addi Kahrs 7:17 (109#). Shelley Buchholz 8:48 (109#). Post time to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 100806. (Post a time, you'll want to remember this one.)

Jon uses Kelli as a demo for wall facing handstand technique.

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 110713"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Went option A (132#). 11:39. Thought I could go RX'd, but shoulders and tris were still fried from yesterday. But, the last time I did DT, I think I did it with 110, so that's an improvement. Looking forward to some mobility wod stuff tomorrow.
    Nice big class at 5AM today! Great way to start the day!
  3. paul Says:
  4. This is a tough one, but I love it. I DNF'ed rx'ed, but I came pretty close: 4 rds + 3PCs. I've definitely improved at this. I want to do this one again before too long.

    One reason I'm happy I went rx'ed, even though I DNF'ed, is that my strength and breath were leaving me at about the same pace.
  5. paul Says:
  6. oh yeah, and great working out with the HUGE 6am class!
  7. Mark Says:
  8. 9:50 with option A. I haven't done this WOD since we were training for the Rock Mountain Regional Games back in 2009. I want to say it was a 15 minute cutoff and I finished in like 15:15 or something like that.

    My goal was to be under 10 minutes at this weight and I got that so mabye I will try this one at home in a month or so at 145# and see if I can finish in under 12.

    Nice job 6AM, DT is a monster at any weight and its awesome to see so many people push themselves like we do at 6AM!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 9:29 @ 132 pounds...

    Wanted to go both heavier and faster, but my body just couldn't handle it today. Good to work out at 5 am, Amanda made sure no one was slacking on their form so we everyone could be as efficient as possible and was very encouraging... Thanks, and nice job to Kory finishing at RX'd weight.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. DT is the forearm killa!

    DNF. 12:01
    4 total rounds completed.
    Scaled wt to 77#.

    Hook grip was my only saving grace on cleans, and had to start split jerking in the end just to get under the bar. The fear of not being able to get under and the bar crashing on my head were a real possibilities today! Forearms are jammed up!

    Great work put in today nooners!!!! You all rocked it!
  13. jakeH Says:
  14. 9:19 Rx'd

    almost 2 min pr. Very tough on the grip. I rested after the 11th dead-lift and after the 8th HPC on rounds 2-5 and it seemed to help with the loss of grip.

    It was a bit humid @ noon today, but a fun class either way.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Nice, Jake! That was probably with no hook grip, too, which means you have CRAZY grip strength.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. DNF Rx'd 4 Rounds + 2 PCs...but still a PR! Did 132# Oct 2010 and got about the same rounds/reps.

    Nice and heavy.
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. Rx'd in 12:30. I still hate this one. I guess that is a DNF, but I went ahead and finished it. I was on the jerks once it hit 12 mins.
  21. Kelli Says:
  22. DNF option B with 87# on the bar. This is my 5th day in a row working out and I could definitely feel it. Got through 4 rounds and 1 DL.
  23. JennG Says:
  24. 11:28 with 77#

    I'm with Allison on this one..forearms are achin'. AND handstand day was kinda sneaky.. I'm feeling muscles I haven't in a while. I like it...
  25. Kristina Nash Says:
  26. Sill a newbie and working on technique, but this workout rocked!!

    I did C, #63 in 1145.
  27. BC Says:
  28. DNF, 4 rounds plus 12 DL @ 132#...those damn push jerks! This is almost 1 full round better than what I did last time using the same weight. Nice work 6:30 crew.
  29. Jess Says:
  30. This is my first time doing DT. Holy buckets, that was rough on the forearms and grip. I did option C which was 63# and finished in 11:42...thanks to Jon Day's little extra push at the end.

    Awesome coaching Jimbo. You will be missed. :(

  31. jakeH Says:
  32. No hook grip Paul, but I am hoping I get it for christmas this year.
  33. ZachR Says:
  34. Option B, 110#, in 8:31. Went lighter today and really tried to push the intensity.

    Lot of good work at 4:30 today.
  35. Allison H :) Says:
  36. Atta girl JennG!!!
  37. nmandresen Says:
  38. Option D (53#) 3 rds. And 1 deadlift. Push jerks were my weakness. Wish I wouldn't have spent time resting after pushjerks into deadlifts. Time flew by!

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